
From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

1-Boc-4-AP is a chemical compound used in the field of pharmacology. It is also known as 1-Tert-butoxycarbonyl-4-aminopyridine. This compound is a derivative of 4-Aminopyridine, which is a drug used to manage symptoms of Multiple sclerosis.

Chemical Structure[edit | edit source]

1-Boc-4-AP has a molecular formula of C10H14N2O2. It is a derivative of 4-Aminopyridine, with the addition of a tert-butoxycarbonyl (Boc) group. This group is added to the nitrogen atom of the 4-aminopyridine molecule, resulting in the formation of 1-Boc-4-AP.

Pharmacological Use[edit | edit source]

1-Boc-4-AP, like its parent compound 4-Aminopyridine, has potential use in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system, specifically the brain and spinal cord. The disease is characterized by the destruction of myelin, the protective covering of nerve fibers, which leads to the disruption of electrical impulses along the nerves.

Mechanism of Action[edit | edit source]

The exact mechanism of action of 1-Boc-4-AP is not fully understood. However, it is believed to work by blocking potassium channels in nerve cells. This blockage allows for the restoration of conduction along demyelinated nerves, improving the transmission of nerve impulses.

Potential Side Effects[edit | edit source]

As with any pharmacological agent, 1-Boc-4-AP may have potential side effects. These can include nausea, dizziness, and potential cardiac effects such as arrhythmias. It is important for patients to discuss these potential side effects with their healthcare provider before starting treatment.

Research and Development[edit | edit source]

Research is ongoing into the potential uses of 1-Boc-4-AP in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders. Early studies have shown promise, but further research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of this compound.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD