Allama Prabhu

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Allama Prabhu was a 12th-century poet, mystic, and an important figure in the Lingayat movement of Karnataka, India. He is one of the celebrated trio of Kannada poets called "Trinity of Lingayatism" along with Basava and Akka Mahadevi. Allama Prabhu's philosophical and devotional poems, known as Vachanas, are integral to Lingayatism and emphasize direct personal experience of the divine through Shiva.

Life[edit | edit source]

Little is known about the personal life of Allama Prabhu, and most of what is known comes from hagiographic legends. He was born in the region of modern-day Karnataka and was initially a temple drummer. According to tradition, the death of his wife led him to renounce worldly life and become a wandering mystic and poet.

Philosophy[edit | edit source]

Allama Prabhu's teachings and poems revolve around the concept of a formless, infinite divine (Shiva), which he referred to as the "Lord of the Caves" or Guheshvara. His philosophy rejects temple worship and rituals, emphasizing instead a path of personal spiritual experience and self-realization. He often used metaphors and paradoxes to express his ideas, challenging conventional beliefs and urging his followers to seek the divine through self-inquiry and devotion.

Vachanas[edit | edit source]

Allama Prabhu's Vachanas (poetic compositions) are characterized by their mystical depth and lyrical quality. They are written in simple Kannada language but encapsulate profound philosophical truths. These compositions were orally transmitted and later compiled by his followers.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Allama Prabhu is revered in Karnataka and among the Lingayat community. His teachings continue to be influential in Lingayatism and are studied for their spiritual and philosophical depth. He is also remembered in the annual Anubhava Mantapa festival, which celebrates the contributions of Lingayat saints.

See also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD