
From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Araçagi is a municipality located in the state of Paraíba, in the Northeast Region of Brazil. It is part of the metropolitan area of Guarabira. The municipality has a population of approximately 17,000 inhabitants, according to the latest census data.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Araçagi is situated in the Agreste Paraibano mesoregion and the Guarabira microregion. The town is located at an altitude of 97 meters above sea level. The climate is classified as tropical, with a distinct wet and dry season.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of Araçagi dates back to the early colonial period of Brazil. The area was originally inhabited by indigenous peoples before the arrival of Portuguese settlers. The municipality was officially established in 1961.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The economy of Araçagi is primarily based on agriculture, with the cultivation of crops such as sugarcane, corn, and beans. Livestock farming also plays a significant role in the local economy. In recent years, there has been a growth in small-scale industries and commerce.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Araçagi has a rich cultural heritage, with various festivals and events celebrated throughout the year. The most notable is the annual São João Festival, which features traditional music, dance, and cuisine. The town also has several historical landmarks and churches that reflect its colonial past.

Education[edit | edit source]

The municipality has a number of educational institutions, including primary and secondary schools. There are also initiatives to improve literacy and educational attainment among the local population.

Health[edit | edit source]

Araçagi is served by a municipal hospital and several health clinics that provide basic medical services to the community. Efforts are ongoing to improve healthcare infrastructure and access to medical care.

Transportation[edit | edit source]

The town is accessible by road, with connections to major highways that link it to other parts of the state and region. Public transportation includes buses and taxis that operate within the municipality and to neighboring areas.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]



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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD