Botanical gardens

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Template:Infobox garden

A botanical garden is a specialized type of garden dedicated to the collection, cultivation, preservation, and display of a wide range of plants labeled with their botanical names. These gardens may contain collections of flowering plants, ferns, trees, and other plants from different environments and geographical areas. Botanical gardens serve as both a recreational spot and a research and education center, promoting environmental awareness and conservation.

History[edit | edit source]

The concept of botanical gardens dates back to the 16th century, with the first modern botanical gardens established in Europe for the study of plants collected during explorations of the tropics. They were initially linked to medical schools. The University of Pisa's botanical garden, founded in 1544, is considered one of the oldest in the world.

Purpose and Function[edit | edit source]

Botanical gardens play a crucial role in the conservation of plant diversity, particularly through the cultivation of endangered plant species and the restoration of habitats. They are also vital for research in botany, ecology, and horticulture. Educational programs aimed at different age groups promote the importance of plants and biodiversity.

Features[edit | edit source]

Typical features of botanical gardens include:

  • Herbarium - a collection of preserved plant samples used for scientific study.
  • Greenhouses - structures with controlled environments used to house plants from non-native climates.
  • Arboretums - areas focused specifically on trees.
  • Thematic gardens - sections of the garden dedicated to specific types of plants, such as roses, herbs, or native regional flora.

Notable Botanical Gardens[edit | edit source]

Challenges[edit | edit source]

Botanical gardens face several challenges including climate change, funding shortages, and the need for plant conservation strategies. They are increasingly involved in international efforts to protect plant biodiversity through seed banks and participation in global networks like Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI).

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD