CORE by Clare Smyth

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CORE by Clare Smyth[edit | edit source]

CORE by Clare Smyth is a renowned restaurant located in London, England. It was founded by the esteemed chef Clare Smyth and has gained international recognition for its exceptional culinary offerings. This article provides a detailed overview of CORE by Clare Smyth, highlighting its concept, menu, and accolades.

Concept[edit | edit source]

CORE by Clare Smyth is known for its innovative and contemporary approach to fine dining. The restaurant aims to showcase the best of British produce while incorporating global influences. Clare Smyth's vision for CORE is to create a dining experience that is both refined and approachable, with a focus on exceptional flavors and impeccable service.

Menu[edit | edit source]

The menu at CORE by Clare Smyth is carefully curated to reflect the seasons and the availability of the finest ingredients. It offers a range of dishes that highlight the diversity of British cuisine, with a particular emphasis on seafood and vegetables. Each dish is meticulously prepared and presented, showcasing Clare Smyth's culinary expertise and creativity.

Some notable dishes on the menu include:

The restaurant also offers a selection of vegetarian and vegan options, ensuring that all guests can enjoy a memorable dining experience at CORE.

Accolades[edit | edit source]

CORE by Clare Smyth has received numerous accolades since its opening. It has been awarded three Michelin stars, making it one of the most prestigious dining establishments in the world. The restaurant has also been recognized by The World's 50 Best Restaurants, ranking among the top restaurants globally.

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD