
Capital District Health Authority

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Capital District Health Authority (CDHA) was a health authority serving the Halifax Regional Municipality, the Municipality of the District of West Hants, and the Municipality of the District of East Hants in Nova Scotia, Canada. It was responsible for delivering health care services to the residents of these areas.

History[edit | edit source]

The Capital District Health Authority was established in 2001 as part of a reorganization of the health care system in Nova Scotia. It was one of nine district health authorities created to manage and deliver health services in the province. In 2015, the CDHA was merged into the Nova Scotia Health Authority as part of a provincial effort to streamline health care administration.

Services[edit | edit source]

CDHA provided a wide range of health care services, including:

Facilities[edit | edit source]

The Capital District Health Authority managed several major health care facilities, including:

Research and Education[edit | edit source]

CDHA was affiliated with Dalhousie University and played a significant role in medical research and education. It provided training for medical students, residents, and other health professionals.

Governance[edit | edit source]

The authority was governed by a board of directors appointed by the provincial government. The board was responsible for setting policies and ensuring that the health authority met its goals and objectives.

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