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A Ceilidh (pronounced "kay-lee") is a traditional Scottish or Irish social gathering that involves folk music, dancing, and storytelling. The term is derived from the Gaelic word "céilidhe," which means a visit or gathering. Ceilidhs are popular in Scotland, Ireland, and regions with strong Celtic connections such as Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador.

History[edit | edit source]

The origins of the ceilidh can be traced back to the Gaelic-speaking regions of Scotland and Ireland. Historically, these gatherings were held in homes or community halls and featured traditional folk music, dancing, and storytelling. Ceilidhs were an important part of social life, providing an opportunity for communities to come together and celebrate.

Music[edit | edit source]

Music is a central element of a ceilidh. Traditional instruments commonly used include the fiddle, accordion, bagpipes, and bodhrán. The music played at ceilidhs is typically lively and upbeat, encouraging participants to dance. Popular tunes include reels, jigs, and strathspeys.

Dancing[edit | edit source]

Ceilidh dancing is a form of folk dance that is both social and participatory. Dances are usually performed in sets or groups, and a caller often guides participants through the steps. Some well-known ceilidh dances include the Gay Gordons, the Dashing White Sergeant, and the Strip the Willow.

Modern Ceilidhs[edit | edit source]

Today, ceilidhs are still a popular form of entertainment and are often held at weddings, festivals, and community events. They have also gained popularity outside of Scotland and Ireland, particularly in areas with large Scottish or Irish communities. Modern ceilidhs may incorporate contemporary music and dance styles, but they still retain the traditional elements that make them unique.

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