Coat of arms of the Region of Murcia

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Coat of arms of the Region of Murcia represents the symbols of the Region of Murcia, an autonomous community in the southeast of Spain. The coat of arms, along with the flag of the Region of Murcia, symbolizes the identity and heritage of the region. The emblem is a significant part of Murcia's history, culture, and politics, embodying the region's past, its land, and its people.

Description[edit | edit source]

The coat of arms of the Region of Murcia features a shield quartered by a cross, which is representative of the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula during the Reconquista, the period of history when the Christian states reconquered the peninsula from the Muslims. The first and fourth quarters of the shield display a castle, symbolizing the Kingdom of Castile, and the second and third quarters show a lion, representing the Kingdom of León. These symbols reflect the historical influence of these kingdoms on the region.

At the center of the cross is a smaller shield featuring a blue background with seven crowns, which are a direct reference to the ancient Kingdom of Murcia. These crowns symbolize the seven provinces that were envisioned to form the Kingdom of Murcia, a historical ambition that was never realized. The blue background represents the Mediterranean Sea, which is crucial to the region's climate, economy, and way of life.

The shield is topped with a royal crown, indicating the region's status within the Kingdom of Spain. The crown symbolizes the sovereignty and autonomy granted to the Region of Murcia within the Spanish state.

Symbolism[edit | edit source]

The coat of arms of the Region of Murcia is rich in symbolism, reflecting the region's history, geography, and cultural identity. The castles and lions are emblematic of the Christian reconquest and the historical ties with the Kingdoms of Castile and León. The seven crowns are a unique symbol of the region, representing its historical aspirations and its distinct identity within Spain. The blue background of the central shield highlights the importance of the Mediterranean Sea to the region's development and prosperity.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The coat of arms is used by the regional government as an official emblem in various contexts, including official documents, public buildings, and events. It is a symbol of authority and represents the Region of Murcia in its relations with other regions of Spain and with the international community.

See also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD