Compañía de las Cervecerías Unidas

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia


Compañía de las Cervecerías Unidas (CCU) is a diversified multinational beverage company headquartered in Santiago, Chile. It is one of the largest beverage companies in Latin America, with operations in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The company produces and markets a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, including beer, soft drinks, mineral water, wine, and spirits.

History[edit | edit source]

CCU was founded in 1902 by a group of Chilean entrepreneurs. The company initially focused on the production of beer, but over the years, it expanded its product portfolio to include a variety of beverages. In the 1990s, CCU began to expand internationally, acquiring several beverage companies in Latin America.

Products[edit | edit source]

CCU's product portfolio includes:

Operations[edit | edit source]

CCU operates several production facilities across Latin America. The company has a strong distribution network, ensuring its products are available in a wide range of retail outlets, including supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants.

Market Presence[edit | edit source]

CCU is a market leader in the beverage industry in Chile and has a significant presence in other Latin American countries. The company's strong brand portfolio and extensive distribution network have contributed to its success in the region.

Sustainability[edit | edit source]

CCU is committed to sustainability and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. The company focuses on water conservation, energy efficiency, and waste reduction in its production processes.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD