Dream Stele

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Great Sphinx with Stelae

Dream Stele is an ancient Egyptian artifact that has played a significant role in understanding the history and culture of Egypt. It is a large slab of stone, known as a stele, that was erected between the paws of the Great Sphinx of Giza by the Pharaoh Thutmose IV in the New Kingdom period, around the 15th century BCE. The Dream Stele is inscribed with a text that recounts a dream Thutmose IV had before he became pharaoh. In this dream, the Sphinx, which was buried up to its neck in sand at the time, promised Thutmose IV the throne of Egypt if he would clear away the sand and restore the Sphinx.

History[edit | edit source]

The Dream Stele is considered a significant piece of Egyptology for its historical and cultural insights. Before Thutmose IV's reign, the Great Sphinx had been neglected and was almost completely covered by sand. According to the stele, Thutmose, while still a prince, went on a hunting expedition in the Giza Plateau and decided to rest in the shadow of the Sphinx. While asleep, he dreamt that the Sphinx, identifying itself as the god Horus, spoke to him and promised him the throne of Egypt in exchange for clearing the sand away. Thutmose IV fulfilled this request, and after becoming pharaoh, he erected the Dream Stele to commemorate the event and his restoration work on the Sphinx.

Inscription[edit | edit source]

The text on the Dream Stele is a mix of autobiographical narrative and religious dedication. It begins with Thutmose IV offering prayers to the gods Ra-Horakhty, Atum, Ptah, and Horus, and then recounts the dream in detail. The stele also emphasizes Thutmose IV's piety and his efforts to restore the Sphinx as a way of honoring the gods. The inscription is a valuable source for understanding the religious beliefs and practices of the time, as well as the political and cultural significance of the Sphinx in ancient Egypt.

Significance[edit | edit source]

The Dream Stele not only provides insight into the religious and cultural life of ancient Egypt but also highlights the importance of the Sphinx as a religious monument. It underscores the Sphinx's association with the sun god Ra-Horakhty and its role as a protector of the Giza Plateau. The stele also illustrates the practice of pharaohs associating themselves with gods to legitimize their rule and demonstrates the importance of monument restoration in ancient Egyptian society.

Preservation and Study[edit | edit source]

Over the centuries, the Dream Stele has suffered from erosion and damage, making parts of the inscription difficult to read. However, it remains a crucial source for the study of ancient Egyptian history and culture. Egyptologists and archaeologists have used the stele to gain insights into the reign of Thutmose IV, the religious significance of the Sphinx, and the broader cultural practices of the New Kingdom period.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD