Einar H. Ingman Jr.

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Einar H. Ingman Jr.

Einar Henry "Ike" Ingman Jr. (April 6, 1929 – December 10, 2015) was an American soldier who served in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War. He is best known for his heroic actions during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Ingman was born on April 6, 1929, in Worcester, Massachusetts. He grew up in a patriotic family and developed a strong sense of duty and honor from a young age.

Military Service[edit | edit source]

Ingman enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1948 and was deployed to Korea during the Korean War. He was assigned to the 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.

Battle of Chosin Reservoir[edit | edit source]

During the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in November 1950, Ingman's unit came under heavy attack from Chinese forces. Despite being outnumbered and facing harsh winter conditions, Ingman displayed exceptional bravery and leadership.

Medal of Honor[edit | edit source]

For his actions during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, Ingman was awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration in the United States.

Later Life[edit | edit source]

After his military service, Ingman returned to civilian life and worked as a law enforcement officer in Massachusetts. He remained active in veteran affairs and was respected for his dedication to his fellow servicemen.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Einar H. Ingman Jr. is remembered as a true American hero who exemplified courage and selflessness in the face of adversity. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those who knew him and in the annals of military history.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD