
Fernand-Marie-Eugène Le Gout-Gérard

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Fernand-Marie-Eugène Le Gout-Gérard (1854–1924) was a notable French painter known for his landscapes and marine art. He was born in Saint-Lô, a commune in the Manche department in Normandy, France.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

Le Gout-Gérard was born on April 29, 1854, in Saint-Lô. He showed an early interest in art and pursued his studies at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. His education at this prestigious institution allowed him to develop his skills under the guidance of prominent artists of the time.

Career[edit | edit source]

Le Gout-Gérard's career was marked by his dedication to capturing the natural beauty of the French countryside and coastal regions. He was particularly inspired by the landscapes of Brittany and Normandy, which became recurring subjects in his work. His paintings are characterized by their vibrant colors and meticulous attention to detail.

He exhibited his works at the Salon in Paris, where he gained recognition and acclaim. His contributions to the art world were acknowledged with several awards, including the prestigious Legion of Honour.

Style and Influence[edit | edit source]

Le Gout-Gérard's style is often associated with the Barbizon school, a movement that emphasized naturalism and the depiction of rural scenes. His works reflect a deep appreciation for the natural environment and often feature serene, idyllic landscapes. He was influenced by the works of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and Charles-François Daubigny, both of whom were prominent figures in the Barbizon school.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Fernand-Marie-Eugène Le Gout-Gérard left a lasting impact on the world of landscape painting. His works continue to be celebrated for their beauty and technical excellence. Today, his paintings can be found in various museums and private collections, serving as a testament to his skill and artistic vision.

Selected Works[edit | edit source]

  • La Plage de Saint-Malo
  • Paysage de Bretagne
  • Le Port de Honfleur
  • Les Falaises d'Étretat

Death[edit | edit source]

Le Gout-Gérard passed away on December 4, 1924, in Paris, leaving behind a rich legacy of artistic contributions.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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