Flag of Abkhazia

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Flag of Abkhazia

The flag of Abkhazia is the official flag of the Republic of Abkhazia, a region in the South Caucasus. The flag was adopted on 23 July 1992, following the declaration of independence from Georgia.

Design[edit | edit source]

The flag consists of seven horizontal stripes of green and white, with a red canton in the upper hoist-side corner. The red canton features a white open hand, symbolizing peace, and seven white stars arranged in an arc above the hand, representing the seven historical regions of Abkhazia: Sadzen, Bzyp, Guma, Abzhywa, Samurzakan, Dal-Tsabal, and Pskhu-Aibga.

Symbolism[edit | edit source]

The green and white stripes symbolize the tolerance and peaceful coexistence of Islam and Christianity in Abkhazia. The red canton signifies the struggle for freedom and independence. The open hand is a traditional symbol of Abkhaz hospitality and peace, while the seven stars represent the unity and historical significance of the seven regions.

History[edit | edit source]

The current flag was designed by Valery Gamgia and was officially adopted on 23 July 1992, during the War in Abkhazia (1992–1993). Prior to this, Abkhazia used various flags, including the flag of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic during the Soviet era.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The flag is used by the government of Abkhazia and is displayed on public buildings, official documents, and during national holidays. It is also used by the Abkhaz diaspora around the world.

Legal Status[edit | edit source]

The flag of Abkhazia is recognized by a few countries, including Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Nauru. However, it is not recognized by the majority of the international community, which considers Abkhazia to be part of Georgia.

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