Food fortification

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Food fortification or enrichment refers to the process of adding micronutrients (essential trace elements and vitamins) to food. It can be carried out by food manufacturers, or by governments as a public health policy which aims to reduce the number of people with dietary deficiencies within a population.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of food fortification in the United States dates back to the early 1900s when iodine was first added to salt to prevent goiter. This was followed by the fortification of milk with vitamin D in the 1930s to combat rickets. In the 1940s, the fortification of flour with niacin, iron, thiamin, and riboflavin was introduced to reduce the incidence of pellagra and iron-deficiency anemia.

Types of Food Fortification[edit | edit source]

There are three types of food fortification: commercial, targeted, and mass fortification.

  • Commercial fortification is when a company adds nutrients to food to market the product as a healthier alternative.
  • Targeted fortification is when nutrients are added to foods that are designed for specific dietary needs.
  • Mass fortification is when nutrients are added to staple foods like salt, flour, and sugar to improve the nutritional status of a population.

Benefits and Criticisms[edit | edit source]

Food fortification has both benefits and criticisms. It can help to prevent nutrient deficiencies in populations, especially in developing countries where dietary diversity may be lacking. However, it can also lead to overconsumption of certain nutrients, particularly in developed countries where fortified foods are widely available.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Food fortification Resources

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD