
Harriman Institute

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The Harriman Institute, formerly known as the Russian Institute, is a leading research institution dedicated to the study of Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus region. It is part of Columbia University in New York City and serves as a hub for academic and policy research, offering a range of educational programs, resources, and events focused on this geopolitically significant area.

History[edit | edit source]

The Harriman Institute was established in 1946 as the Russian Institute at Columbia University, reflecting the post-World War II interest in Soviet studies in the United States. It was founded with support from the W. Averell Harriman family, prominent for their diplomatic and business activities related to Russia. In 1982, the institute was renamed to honor the Harriman family's contributions and to reflect its broader focus on Eastern Europe and the Caucasus alongside Russia.

Programs and Research[edit | edit source]

The Harriman Institute offers various academic programs, including master's degrees and certificates in Russian studies and East European studies. It collaborates with other departments at Columbia University to provide interdisciplinary courses and research opportunities.

The institute is known for its vibrant series of public events, including lectures, workshops, and conferences, which feature experts from around the world. It also publishes research and scholarly works through its association with the Harriman Review and other academic publications.

Facilities and Resources[edit | edit source]

Located on the Columbia University campus, the Harriman Institute provides students and scholars with access to extensive resources, including a rich library collection focused on the politics, history, culture, and economics of its regional focus. The institute also offers funding opportunities for research and study related to its core areas.

Notable People[edit | edit source]

Over the years, the Harriman Institute has been associated with numerous distinguished scholars and practitioners in the field of Russian and East European studies. These include historians, political scientists, and policy analysts who have significantly contributed to the understanding and analysis of the region.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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