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Homonationalism is a term used within the fields of gender studies and postcolonial studies to describe the entanglement of nationalism with LGBT rights where the acceptance and promotion of homosexuality become associated with the identity of a modern and enlightened nation. This concept is particularly relevant in discussions about how LGBTQ+ rights are used to justify and sustain political and social hierarchies, particularly in relation to Islamophobia, racism, and immigration policies.

Origins and Development[edit | edit source]

The term "homonationalism" was popularized by Jasbir Puar, an American scholar, in her 2007 book Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Puar argues that homonationalism marks a shift in the construction of homosexual identity, which is increasingly tied to nationalist ideals. It is a critique of the way Western nations promote themselves as tolerant and progressive by highlighting their acceptance of homosexuality, often in contrast to the supposed backwardness of predominantly Muslim countries.

Characteristics of Homonationalism[edit | edit source]

Homonationalism involves several key characteristics:

  • Alignment with Nationalist Ideology: LGBTQ+ rights are co-opted to further nationalist agendas, framing the nation-state as progressive and superior.
  • Racialization: It often involves the racialization of Muslim and other non-Western populations, portraying them as inherently homophobic and thus less civilized.
  • Exclusionary Practices: While promoting LGBTQ+ rights, homonationalist policies may simultaneously support anti-immigration stances and policies that discriminate against other marginalized groups.

Criticism and Impact[edit | edit source]

Critics of homonationalism argue that it creates a divide within the LGBTQ+ community along racial and ethnic lines, and it undermines genuine efforts for human rights by making them instrumental to nationalist and often imperialist agendas. The concept has sparked significant debate within both academic circles and activist communities, leading to a reevaluation of how LGBTQ+ rights are advocated for on the international stage.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD