
From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Hygiene refers to the practices, rituals, and study associated with the preservation and promotion of health. While it often connotes cleanliness, hygiene encompasses a broader spectrum of activities that prevent disease transmission and improve well-being.

Definition and Scope[edit | edit source]

Derived from Hygieia, the Greek goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation, the term 'hygiene' is an umbrella term covering practices ranging from personal grooming to public health measures designed to curb disease spread. It constitutes a fundamental component of overall health and well-being, with implications extending to social, economic, and psychological aspects of life.

Personal Hygiene[edit | edit source]

Personal hygiene involves practices performed by an individual to care for their bodily health and well-being. This includes routine activities such as bathing, brushing and flossing teeth, hand hygiene, and hair care. Regular handwashing, for example, is widely recognized as a cost-effective, essential tool for achieving good health by reducing the spread of infectious diseases.

Food and Drinking Water Hygiene[edit | edit source]

Food hygiene is crucial in preventing foodborne illnesses. It encompasses a variety of practices, including washing hands before handling food, thoroughly cooking food to kill potential pathogens, avoiding cross-contamination, and appropriately storing food to prevent spoilage.

Hygiene also extends to the treatment and supply of drinking water. Waterborne diseases are often the result of poor water hygiene and can be prevented through methods like water disinfection and using safe water sources.

Community and Environmental Hygiene[edit | edit source]

Community hygiene refers to practices that help prevent disease and maintain health within communities, such as waste disposal, cleaning of public spaces, and vector control to prevent diseases spread by pests such as mosquitoes and rats.

Environmental hygiene includes measures aimed at improving the cleanliness of the natural environment, reducing pollution, and promoting sustainable practices to protect ecosystems.

Hygiene Education and Promotion[edit | edit source]

Education about hygiene practices is essential in promoting individual and community health. Health education and public health campaigns often focus on hygiene practices to prevent disease spread, especially in settings like schools, workplaces, and healthcare facilities.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Hygiene Resources

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD