
From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Irrigation is the process of applying controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall.

History[edit | edit source]

The practice of irrigation likely started in Mesopotamia and Egypt around 6000 B.C. due to the necessity of providing water for crops in dry areas. The earliest form of irrigation was probably ditch irrigation, where ditches were dug in a field and filled with water.

Types of Irrigation[edit | edit source]

There are several types of irrigation systems, including:

Benefits and Drawbacks[edit | edit source]

Irrigation has both benefits and drawbacks. It can increase crop yields and quality, provide a reliable water source, and allow for farming in dry climates. However, it can also lead to waterlogging, soil degradation, and the spread of waterborne diseases.

Environmental Impact[edit | edit source]

Irrigation can have significant impacts on the environment. It can lead to the depletion of water resources, degradation of soil and water quality, and loss of biodiversity. It can also contribute to climate change by increasing evaporation and greenhouse gas emissions.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Irrigation Resources

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD