
John Addison Fordyce

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John Addison Fordyce

John Addison Fordyce (1858–1925) was an American dermatologist and syphilologist known for his contributions to the field of dermatology and the identification of several dermatological conditions. He is best known for describing Fordyce spots, which are ectopic sebaceous glands, and Fox-Fordyce disease, a chronic pruritic condition.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

John Addison Fordyce was born in Guernsey County, Ohio in 1858. He pursued his medical education at the Chicago Medical College, where he graduated in 1881. Following his graduation, Fordyce undertook further training in dermatology and syphilology in Vienna, Paris, and Berlin.

Career[edit | edit source]

Fordyce began his medical practice in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he specialized in the treatment of syphilis and other dermatological conditions. He later moved to New York City, where he became a prominent figure in the field of dermatology. Fordyce held several academic positions, including a professorship at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital.

Contributions to Dermatology[edit | edit source]

Fordyce made significant contributions to dermatology, particularly in the study and treatment of syphilis. He is credited with the identification and description of several dermatological conditions:

  • Fordyce spots: These are small, raised, pale or white spots that can appear on the lips, inside the cheeks, and on the genitalia. They are considered a normal anatomical variation and are not associated with any disease or condition.
  • Fox-Fordyce disease: Also known as apocrine miliaria, this is a chronic pruritic condition that affects the apocrine sweat glands, leading to the formation of itchy papules in areas such as the underarms and groin.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

John Addison Fordyce's work in dermatology and syphilology has had a lasting impact on the field. His identification of Fordyce spots and Fox-Fordyce disease has provided valuable insights into the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions. Fordyce's contributions continue to be recognized and respected in the medical community.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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