Lactifluus corrugis

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Lactarius corrugis 54984

Lactifluus corrugis is a species of mushroom belonging to the genus Lactifluus, which is part of the family Russulaceae. This mushroom is notable for its distinctive features and its place within the ecosystem of forests where it typically grows. Lactifluus corrugis is primarily found in North America, thriving in both deciduous and mixed woodlands, often forming symbiotic relationships with various types of trees.

Description[edit | edit source]

Lactifluus corrugis mushrooms are characterized by their corrugated cap surface, from which the species derives its name (corrugis meaning "wrinkled" or "corrugated" in Latin). The caps are typically brown to reddish-brown in color and can range in diameter from 5 to 15 cm. The gills are white or cream, running down the stem, which is also white and measures between 4 to 10 cm in height. One of the defining characteristics of this species, as with others in the Lactifluus genus, is the presence of a milky latex, which is exuded when the mushroom is cut or damaged. This latex is white and can be used to help identify the species.

Habitat and Distribution[edit | edit source]

Lactifluus corrugis is predominantly found in the temperate forests of North America. It forms mycorrhizal associations with hardwood trees, particularly with species of oak and hickory, which are crucial for the nutrient exchange between the fungus and its host tree. These mushrooms are typically found growing on the ground, in the leaf litter of forests, from late summer to fall.

Edibility[edit | edit source]

The edibility of Lactifluus corrugis is a subject of debate among mycologists and foragers. While some sources suggest that it is edible, others recommend caution due to the presence of the milky latex, which can be an irritant or cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some individuals. As with all wild mushrooms, it is advised that Lactifluus corrugis should only be consumed if positively identified and deemed safe by an expert.

Conservation[edit | edit source]

As of the current knowledge, Lactifluus corrugis does not appear to be under any immediate threat. However, like many fungi, it could be susceptible to changes in its habitat due to factors such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Conservation efforts to preserve its natural habitat are essential for the continued survival of this species and the complex ecological relationships it supports within forest ecosystems.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD