Last Chance for Animals

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Last Chance for Animals (LCA) is a non-profit organization based in the United States that focuses on animal rights and the elimination of animal exploitation. Founded in 1984 by Chris DeRose, LCA is known for its undercover investigations and campaigns against various forms of animal cruelty.

History[edit | edit source]

LCA was founded in 1984 by Chris DeRose, an actor and animal rights activist. The organization was established to address the widespread abuse and exploitation of animals in various industries, including entertainment, research, and agriculture.

Mission[edit | edit source]

The mission of Last Chance for Animals is to eliminate animal exploitation through education, investigation, legislation, and media attention. LCA aims to create a society where animals are treated with respect and compassion.

Campaigns and Investigations[edit | edit source]

LCA is known for its undercover investigations that expose animal cruelty in various industries. Some of the notable campaigns include:

  • **Fur Free Friday**: An annual event held on the day after Thanksgiving to protest against the fur industry.
  • **Class B Dealers**: LCA has campaigned against Class B dealers who sell animals to research facilities, often obtained through illegal means.
  • **Circus Animal Abuse**: Investigations into the treatment of animals in circuses, leading to increased public awareness and legislative changes.

Education and Outreach[edit | edit source]

LCA conducts educational programs to inform the public about animal rights issues. These programs include school presentations, community events, and online resources. The organization also collaborates with other animal rights groups to amplify their message.

Legislation[edit | edit source]

LCA actively works to influence legislation that protects animals. The organization has been involved in the passage of several laws aimed at reducing animal cruelty and improving animal welfare standards.

Media Attention[edit | edit source]

LCA utilizes media to bring attention to animal rights issues. The organization has been featured in various television programs, documentaries, and news articles, helping to raise public awareness and support for their cause.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Related Pages[edit | edit source]

Template:Animal rights organizations


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