
LifeFlight (Nova Scotia)

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LifeFlight (Nova Scotia)

LifeFlight (Nova Scotia) is an air ambulance service that operates in Nova Scotia, Canada. It provides critical care transport for patients requiring urgent medical attention, often from remote or rural areas to specialized medical facilities. LifeFlight is an essential component of the province's emergency medical services (EMS) system.

History[edit | edit source]

LifeFlight was established in 1996 to address the need for rapid medical transport in Nova Scotia. The service was created to ensure that patients in critical condition could receive timely access to advanced medical care, regardless of their location within the province.

Operations[edit | edit source]

LifeFlight operates a fleet of specialized aircraft, including helicopters and fixed-wing planes, equipped with advanced medical equipment. The service is staffed by highly trained medical professionals, including paramedics, nurses, and physicians, who provide in-flight medical care.

Aircraft[edit | edit source]

The primary aircraft used by LifeFlight include:

These aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology, allowing for the transport of patients in critical condition.

Medical Team[edit | edit source]

The medical team on board LifeFlight aircraft includes:

These professionals are trained to handle a wide range of medical emergencies, from trauma to cardiac events.

Service Area[edit | edit source]

LifeFlight serves the entire province of Nova Scotia, including remote and rural areas. The service also provides inter-facility transfers, transporting patients between hospitals for specialized care.

Funding and Governance[edit | edit source]

LifeFlight is funded by the Government of Nova Scotia and operates under the jurisdiction of the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness. The service is also supported by various community and charitable organizations.

Impact[edit | edit source]

Since its inception, LifeFlight has played a crucial role in saving lives and improving health outcomes for residents of Nova Scotia. The service has been instrumental in providing rapid medical transport and ensuring that patients receive the care they need in a timely manner.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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