List of cases-S
List of cases-S Resources | |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
S[edit | edit source]
- S. Stercoralis -[1]
- Sacral Agenesis -[1]
- Sacral Schwannoma -[1]
- Sacral Stress (fatigue) Fracture -[1]
- Sacrococcygeal Teratoma -[1], [2]
- Sacroiliitis -[1]
- Sacroiliitis Without Identified Etiology. -[1]
- Saddle Pulmonary Embolism -[1], [2]
- Saf -[1]
- Sagittal Craniosynostosis -[1]
- Sagittal Sinus Stenosis, Pseudotumor Cerebri -[1]
- Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis -[1]
- Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa -[1], [2], [3]
- Salter Harris Fracture Type 1 -[1], [2]
- Salter Harris Fractures -[1]
- Salter Harris Ii Fracture -[1]
- Salter Harris Iii Fracture Distal Tibia (juvenile Tillaux Fracture) -[1]
- Salter Harris Type 2 Fracture -[1]
- Salter-harris Fracture -[1], [2], [3]
- Salter-harris Fracture Of 2nd Phalanx -[1]
- Salter-harris Fracture Type Ii -[1]
- Salter-harris Fractures -[1]
- Salter-harris Fractures, Salter And Harris -[1]
- Salter-harris Ii Fracture -[1]
- Salter-harris Iii Fracture -[1]
- Salter-harris Injury Of Proximal Radius -[1]
- Salter-harris Type 1 Fracture, Salter And Harris -[1]
- Salter-harris Type Iv Fracture -[1]
- Samarium 153 Edtmp Palliative Bone Treatment -[1]
- Sand Aspiration -[1]
- Sarcoid -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Sarcoid - Confirmed Via Biopsy. -[1]
- Sarcoid, Stage 3 -[1]
- Sarcoidosis -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]
- Sarcoidosis (histology) -[1]
- Sarcoidosis - Chest And Hands -[1]
- Sarcoidosis, Abdomen And Liver -[1]
- Sarcoidosis, Pachymeningeal And Leptomeningeal -[1]
- Sarcoidosis. -[1]
- Scabies -[1]
- Scaphoid Fracture -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
- Scapholunate Advance Collapse (slac) Wrist -[1], [2], [3]
- Scapholunate Advanced Collapse -[1], [2]
- Scapholunate Dissociation -[1], [2], [3]
- Scapholunate Dissociation (rotary Scaphoid Subluxation) -[1], [2]
- Scapholunate Dissociation With Disi -[1]
- Scapular Fracture -[1]
- Scfe -[1]
- Scfe (slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis) -[1]
- Scfe (slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis) -[1]
- Scfe - Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis -[1], [2], [3]
- Schatzki Ring -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Scheuermann Disease With Kyphosis -[1]
- Scheuermann Kyphosis -[1], [2]
- Schistosomiasis -[1], [2]
- Schistosomiasis Japonicum -[1]
- Schistosomiasis Japonicum Of The Colon And Appendix Confirmed By Biopsy Of Colon Polyps Containing Calcified S. Japonicum Eggs. -[1]
- Schizencephaly -[1], [2]
- Schizencephaly (open-lip And Closed-lip) -[1]
- Schizencephaly (unilateral, Closed Lip) -[1]
- Schizencephaly And Occipital Encephalocele -[1]
- Schizencephaly, Closed Lip -[1]
- Schwannoma -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Schwannoma (by Imaging Studies) -[1]
- Schwannoma Of The Vagus Nerve -[1]
- Schwannoma Of Trochlear Nerve On Left -[1]
- Schwannoma T1-t2 -[1]
- Schwannoma Thoracic Spine -[1]
- Schwannoma W/cyst -[1]
- Schwannoma(ancient) -[1]
- Schwannoma, Intracanalicular -[1]
- Schwannoma, Paraspinal -[1]
- Schwannoma, Thoracic -[1], [2]
- Scientific Fantasy -[1]
- Scimitar Syndrome -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Scimitar Syndrome (anomalous Pulmonary Systemic Circulation) -[1]
- Scleredema (1997 Uniformed Services Dermatology Seminar, Case#23) Presented By: Jay L. Viernes, Maj, Usaf, Mc, Fs -[1]
- Scleroderma -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Sclerosing Adenosis -[1]
- Sclerosing Immune Complex Glomerulonephritis Consistent With Focal Lupus Nephritis Isn/rps Class Iii A/c -[1]
- Sclerosing Stromal Tumor -[1]
- Sclerotic Fibroma (1997 Uniformed Services Dermatology Seminar, Case#21a) Submitted By: Rinna C.johnson, Mac, Mc, Usa; Martha L. Mccollough, Col, Mc, Usa -[1]
- Scoliosis -[1]
- Scrofula (infectious Cervical Lymphadenitis) Caused By M. Tuberculosis -[1]
- Scrofula - Infectious Cervical Lymphadenitis -[1], [2]
- Scrotal Rhabdomyosarcoma -[1]
- Scrotolith - Etiology Unknown -[1]
- Second Branchial Cleft Cyst -[1], [2], [3]
- Secondary Cns Lymphoma, Subarachnoid Spread (carcinomatous Meningitis) -[1]
- Secondary Cutaneous B-cell Lymphoma, Follicular Center Cell Type (1997 Uniformed Services Dermatology Seminar, Case#15b) Submitted By: Mark W. Cobb, Capt, Mc, Usn -[1]
- Secondary Glioblastoma, 3 Yrs From Primary Astrocytoma -[1]
- Secondary Orbital Large Cell Lymphoma, Extraconal Masses -[1]
- Secondary Osteochondromatosis -[1]
- Secondary Syphilis And Neurosyphilis -[1]
- Secretory Calcifications Of The Breast -[1], [2]
- Segmental Bronchus Intubation -[1]
- Segmental Omental Infarct -[1], [2], [3]
- Segond Fracture -[1], [2], [3]
- Segond Fracture With Associated Acl Tear. Confirmed On Mri. -[1]
- Segond Fracture With Asssociated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear -[1]
- Semilobar Holoprosencephaly -[1], [2]
- Semilobar Holoprosencephaly - As Part Of A Trisomy 13 Ring Abnormality. -[1]
- Seminoma -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Seminoma - Diagnosis Confirmed By Pathology Following Orchiectomy. -[1]
- Seminoma - Dx Path Proven. -[1]
- Seminoma, Classic Type With Scattered Syncitiotrophoblast Elements -[1]
- Sentinel Node Mapping, Lymphoscintigraphy, And Biopsy -[1]
- Septal Veins Of The Cavum Septum Pellucidi -[1]
- Septate Uterus -[1], [2], [3]
- Septate Vs Bicornuate Uterus -[1]
- Septic Arthritis -[1]
- Septic Arthritis W/ Cellulitis (staph Aureus Recovered From Joint Aspirate) -[1]
- Septic Arthritis With Effusion -[1]
- Septic Brain Emboli, Endocarditis (mrsa) -[1]
- Septic Emboli -[1]
- Septic Pulmonary Emboli -[1]
- Septic Pulmonary Embolism -[1]
- Septo-optic Dysplasia -[1], [2], [3]
- Septo-optic Dysplasia (de Morsier Syndrome) -[1]
- Septo-optic Dysplasia (demorsier Syndrome) -[1], [2]
- Sequela Of Deflux Procedure -[1]
- Seronegative Spondylarthropathies -[1]
- Serous Cystadenoma -[1], [2]
- Serous Cystadenoma (macrocystic Variant) -[1]
- Serous Cystadenoma Of The Pancreas -[1], [2]
- Severe Diffuse Axonal Injury (shearing Injury) Of The Lobar White Matter, Corpus Callosum, And Cerebellum With Cortical Edema -[1]
- Severe Emphysema With Low Probability For Pulmonary Embolism -[1]
- Severe Osteo-arthropathy (osteoarthritis) -[1]
- Severe Stenosis At The Ostium Of The Left Renal Artery Causing Renovascular Hypetension. -[1]
- Sheehan's Syndrome -[1]
- Shifting Breast Attenuation (imaging Characteristics) -[1]
- Short 4th Metacarpals -[1]
- Short-segment Hirschsprung's Disease -[1]
- Sialadenitits -[1]
- Sialolith -[1]
- Sialolithiasis -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Sialolithiasis Resulting In Sialoadenitis -[1]
- Sialolithiasis, Right Submandibular Gland -[1]
- Sickle Cell Anemia -[1], [2]
- Sickle Cell Anemia With Avascular Necrosis Of Humeral Head. -[1]
- Sickle Cell Anemia With Bone Infarcts. -[1]
- Sickle Cell Disease -[1], [2]
- Sickle Cell Disease Changes -[1]
- Sickle Cell Disease, Avascular Necrosis, Cervical Disc Herniation, Cervical Radiculopathy, Myelomalacia, Copd. -[1]
- Sigmoid Colon Perforation Secondary To Instrumentation -[1]
- Sigmoid Diverticulits With Enterovesicular Fistula -[1]
- Sigmoid Diveticulitis -[1]
- Sigmoid Lipoma -[1]
- Sigmoid Volvulus -[1], [2], [3]
- Silastic Arthropathy, Elbow -[1]
- Silent Sinus Syndrome -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Silicone Globe Injection -[1]
- Silicone Granuloma (1997 Uniformed Services Dermatology Seminar, Case#6) Presented By: Lcdr William F. Smith, Mc, Usnr -[1]
- Silicone Granuloma Of The Breast -[1]
- Silicone Granulomas -[1], [2]
- Silicone Granulomas Of The Breast -[1], [2]
- Silicone Granulomas Of The Breast (based On Review Of Old Films And Surgical History) -[1]
- Silicone Granulomas Of The Breast (confirmed By Ultrasound Guided Biopsy) -[1]
- Siliconomas: Silicone Granulomas From Direct Intramammary Silicone Injection Breast Augmentation -[1]
- Siliconomas: Silicone Granulomas From Silicone Breast Augmentation -[1], [2], [3]
- Simple (solitary Or Unicameral) Bone Cyst -[1]
- Simple Bone Cyst -[1], [2], [3]
- Simple Bone Cyst (sbc), Pathologic Fracture -[1]
- Simple Bone Cyst With Pathologic Fracture -[1]
- Simple Bone Cyst, Pathologic Fracture -[1]
- Simple Cyst, Left Breast -[1]
- Simple Ranula -[1]
- Simple Renal Cyst -[1], [2]
- Simple Ureterocele -[1], [2]
- Simple Ureteroceles -[1]
- Simple Vs. Complex Renal Cysts -[1]
- Single Gunshot Wound To Head -[1]
- Single Kidney - Renal Agenesis -[1]
- Sinonasal Metastatic Melanoma -[1]
- Sinus Pericranii -[1]
- Sister Mary Joseph Node -[1]
- Situs Ambiguous (heterotaxy) -[1]
- Situs Inversus -[1]
- Situs Inversus Totalis -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
- Situs Inversus With Dextrocardia -[1]
- Sixth Cranial Nerve Palsy -[1]
- Sjogren's Syndrome With Concomitant Lymphoma -[1]
- Skeletal Metastasis -[1]
- Skeletal Metastasis. -[1]
- Skin Folds Mimicking Bilateral Pneumothoraces -[1]
- Skull Cap In Anterior Abdominal Wall With Underlying Liquified Hematoma. -[1]
- Skull Fracture From Cell Phone -[1]
- Skull Fracture With Epidural Hematoma -[1]
- Slac (scapholunate Advanced Collapse) Wrist (i.e., Carpal Instability). These Radiographic Findings Are Pathognomonic For The Diagnosis. -[1]
- Slap Lesion Of The Glenoid Labrum -[1], [2], [3]
- Slap Tear And Clinical Cervical Radiculopathy -[1]
- Sleeve Gastrectomy -[1]
- Sliding Hiatal Hernia -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Sliding Paraesophageal Hernia -[1]
- Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
- Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (scfe) -[1]
- Small Bowel Bleed From 8cm Wide Shallow Ulcer. -[1]
- Small Bowel Diverticulosis -[1]
- Small Bowel Lymphoma -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Small Bowel Lymphoma - Diffuse Large B Cell -[1]
- Small Bowel Obstruction From Adhesions -[1]
- Small Bowel Obstruction From Inguinal Hernia -[1]
- Small Bowel Obstruction Secondary To Adhesions -[1], [2]
- Small Bowel Obstruction Secondary To Transient Intussusception. -[1]
- Small Bowel Obstruction, Partial, Secondary To Stricture -[1]
- Small Bowel Volvulus -[1]
- Small Cell Lung Cancer -[1]
- Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (sclc) -[1], [2]
- Small Hydrocele, Epididymal Head Cyst And Tubular Ectasia Of The Rete Testis -[1]
- Small Intestinal Ulceration And Perforation With An Inflammatory Pseudocyst -[1]
- Small-cell Lung Cancer (biopsy) -[1]
- Soft Tissue Lipoma -[1]
- Soft Tissue Myxoma -[1]
- Soft Tissue Sarcoma -[1], [2]
- Soft-tissue Uptake On Bone Scan -[1]
- Solitary Fibrous Tumor Of Pleura Confirmed By Histology With Immuno-histochemical Profile. -[1]
- Solitary Fibrous Tumor, Cervical Spine -[1]
- Solitary Parathyroid Adenoma -[1]
- Solitary Pulmonary Nodule - Calcified Granuloma -[1]
- Solitary Thyroid Nodule -[1], [2]
- Somatostatin Receptor Imaging (octreotide Scans) -[1]
- Sparsely Granulated Growth Hormone Adenoma -[1]
- Spenoid Sinus Mucoceles -[1]
- Spermatocele -[1]
- Sphenoid Mucocele -[1]
- Sphenoid Mucocele And Sinusitis -[1]
- Sphenoid Mucocele With Fungal Sinusitis (aspergillus Niger)and Secondary Intra-cranial Extension -[1]
- Spidery Collecting System -[1]
- Spigelian Hernia -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Spinal Cord Abscess -[1]
- Spinal Cord Astrocytoma -[1]
- Spinal Cord Astrocytoma, Malignant -[1]
- Spinal Cord Cavernous Hemangiomas -[1]
- Spinal Cord Ependymoma Pending Histology Results. -[1]
- Spinal Cord Infarct -[1]
- Spinal Cord Infarct Likely Embolic -[1]
- Spinal Cord Lipoma -[1]
- Spinal Cord Pilocytic Astrocytoma -[1]
- Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula -[1], [2]
- Spinal Epidural Hematoma, S1 Right -[1]
- Spinal Leptomeningeal Neurosarcoidosis Of The Conus Medullaris -[1]
- Spinal Meningioma -[1]
- Spinal Metastases -[1]
- Spinal Osteochondroma -[1]
- Spinal Stenosis -[1]
- Spinal Stenosis With Herniated Nucleus Pulposis (hnp) L4-5 -[1]
- Spinal Tuberculosis/potts Disease -[1]
- Spindle Cell Chest Wall Sarcoma -[1]
- Spindle Cell Sarcoma -[1]
- Spine Dural Arteriovenous Fistula -[1]
- Spine Fracture, T4 -[1]
- Spine, Aneurysmal Bone Cyst -[1]
- Spine, Bone Hemangioma With Spinal Cord Compression -[1]
- Spine, Osteoid Osteoma -[1]
- Spine, Tethered Cord -[1], [2]
- Spine, Epidural Abscess -[1], [2], [3]
- Spine, Epidural Abscess (mrsa) -[1]
- Spine, Epidural Abscess; Septic Arthritis Right Shoulder -[1]
- Spine, Intradural Lipoma (isolated) -[1]
- Spine, Lateral Recess Stenosis -[1]
- Spine, Spinal Stenosis -[1]
- Spino-cerebellar Ataxia -[1], [2]
- Spiral Fractures Of Right 4th And 5th Metacarpal Shafts -[1]
- Spiral Salter-harris Ii Fracture -[1]
- Spleen Maximum Dimensions -[1]
- Splenic Artery Aneurysm -[1]
- Splenic Cyst, Acquired (splenic Infarction Or Trauma) Vs. Congenital -[1]
- Splenic Hemangioma -[1]
- Splenic Laceration -[1], [2]
- Splenic Laceration With Coil Embolization -[1]
- Splenic Laceration Without Coil Embolization -[1]
- Splenic Laceration, Grade Iii -[1]
- Splenic Laceration, Grade V -[1]
- Splenosis -[1]
- Split Tear Of The Peroneus Brevis Tendon -[1]
- Spondylodiskitis -[1]
- Spondylodiskitis With Associated Epidural Abscess. Cultures Positive For Staphlococcus -[1]
- Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Tarda (radiographically Diagnosed) -[1]
- Spondylolisthesis -[1]
- Spondylolisthesis, Bilateral L3 Pars Defects -[1]
- Spondylolisthesis, Bilateral Pars Fracture -[1]
- Spondylolysis And Spondylolithesis -[1], [2]
- Spondylolysis With Spondylisthesis Due To Bilateral Pars Defects -[1]
- Spondyloptosis -[1]
- Spongiform Encephalopathy; Presumed Variant Creutzfeldt-jacob Disease -[1]
- Spongioform Encephalopathy, Presumed Variant Creutzfeldt-jakob Disease -[1]
- Spongioform Encephalopathy, Presumed Variant Creutzfeldt-jacob Disease -[1]
- Spongioform Encephalopathy, Presumed Variant Creutzfeldt-jakob Disease -[1]
- Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation -[1]
- Spontaneous Osteonecrosis Of The Knee -[1], [2], [3]
- Spontaneous Pneumocephalus -[1]
- Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum -[1], [2], [3]
- Spontaneous Pneumothorax -[1]
- Spontaneous Pneumothorax Secondary To Pulmonary Lymphangioleiomyomatosis -[1]
- Spontaneous Thoracic Esophageal Perforation (boerhaave's Syndrome). -[1]
- Sporadic Burkitt's Lymphoma (diffuse Small Noncleaved Cell Lymphoma) -[1]
- Sports Hernia, Specifically Avulsion Of Rectus Abdominis-adductor Longus Aponeurosis -[1]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma External Auditory Canal -[1]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Moderately Differentiated -[1]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Orbit, Superior Orbital Fissure, And Cavernous Sinus -[1]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Lung -[1]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Proximal Esophagus -[1]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Right Orbit. -[1]
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Malignant Transformation Of Epidermoid Cyst. -[1]
- Squamous Cell Esophageal Cancer -[1], [2]
- Squamous Cell Lung Cancer -[1]
- Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma -[1]
- Stable Left Pneumothorax And Stable Left Pleural Effusion -[1]
- Stafne Bone Cavity -[1], [2]
- Stage Ii Sarcoidosis Manifiesting With Garland’s Triad, Aorticopulmonary Window Lymphadenopathy And Parenchymal Disease At The Lung Bases. -[1]
- Stage Iii T3n1 (1 Of 22 Lymph Node Positive) Adenocarinoma Of Sigmoid Colon -[1]
- Stage Iiib Adenocarcinoma -[1]
- Stage Iv Chondromalacia Patella -[1]
- Stage Iv Hodgkins Lymphoma, Pleural Effusion -[1]
- Stage Iv Melanoma Migration Of Broken Catheter -[1]
- Stage Iv Non-small Cell Lung Cancer -[1]
- Stage Iv Sarcoidosis -[1]
- Stage Ivb Non-hodgkin’s Lymphoma (pre B-cell Variety) Diagnosed By Biopsy -[1]
- Stage V Bilateral Wilms' Tumor -[1]
- Staghorn Calculus -[1], [2], [3]
- Staging Non-small Cell Lung Cancer -[1]
- Stanford A Aortic Dissection -[1]
- Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection -[1]
- Staphyloccus Spondylodiscitis With Epidural Abscess -[1]
- Static Artifact -[1]
- Status Post Cholecystectomy, Stenting Of The Left Common Iliac Artery Stent, And Bilateral Gonadal Vein Embolization For Pelvic Congestion Syndrome! -[1]
- Stenosis Of External Auditory (ear) Canal -[1]
- Stent Placement For Recurrent Central Venous Occlusion -[1]
- Sternal Wire Dehiscence -[1]
- Stone Within Meckel's Diverticulum -[1]
- Straight Sinus Aneurysm -[1]
- Stress Fracture -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
- Stress Fracture Of The Calcaneus -[1], [2]
- Stress Fracture Of The Distal Fibula -[1]
- Stress Fracture Of The Distal Fibula And Tibia -[1]
- Stress Fracture Right Femoral Neck. -[1], [2]
- Stress Fracture Tarsal Navicular Bone -[1], [2]
- Stress Fracture/march Fracture Of The Third Left Metatarsal -[1]
- Stress Reaction In Second Metatarsal -[1]
- Stroke -[1]
- Sturge Weber Syndrome -[1], [2], [3]
- Sturge Weber Syndrome And Suprasellar Arachnoid Cyst -[1]
- Sturge-weber Syndrome -[1]
- Sturge-weber Syndrome (encephalo-trigeminal Angiomatosis) -[1]
- Sturge-weber Syndrome, Diffuse Cerebral Developmental Venous Anomalies -[1]
- Sub And Supra Scapular Atrophy -[1]
- Sub-acute Thromboembolism Of Sma -[1]
- Subacute Buckle Fracture Of The Distal Radius -[1]
- Subacute Cholecystitis -[1]
- Subacute Infarction, Broca's Area & Arcuate Fasciculus -[1]
- Subacute Painless Thyroiditis With Transient Hyperthyroidism -[1]
- Subacute Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarct -[1]
- Subacute Thyroiditis -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
- Subacute Thyroiditis With Focal Involvement Of The Right Upper Pole. -[1]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Ruptured 7 Mm Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm -[1]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage From Sinus Thrombosis -[1]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Secondary To Aneurysm Rupture -[1]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Aneurysm -[1]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Causes -[1]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Cerebral Aneurysm -[1]
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Perimesencephalic Sah -[1]
- Subcapital Femoral Neck Fracture, Garden Stage I -[1]
- Subcapsular Hematoma Of Liver -[1]
- Subchondral Cyst -[1]
- Subchondral Cyst Secondary To Osteoarthritis -[1]
- Subchorionic Hemorrhage -[1], [2]
- Subclavian Central Venous Catheter Fracture And Embolization -[1]
- Subclavian Steal -[1]
- Subclavian Steal Syndrome -[1], [2], [3]
- Subclavian Stenosis With Angiographic Evidence Of Subclavian Steal Syndrome -[1]
- Subclavian Vein Stenosis -[1]
- Subcortical Band Heterotopia. Diagnosis Was Confirmed With Brain Mri. -[1]
- Subcutaneous Abscess -[1]
- Subcutaneous Abscess Of Nasal Tip -[1]
- Subcutaneous Emphysema -[1], [2]
- Subcutaneous Emphysema From Pulmonary-parietal Fistula From Misplaced Catheter -[1]
- Subdiaphragmatic (intraperitoneal) Bronchogenic Cyst -[1]
- Subdiaphragmatic Abscess -[1]
- Subdiaphragmatic Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration -[1]
- Subdural Empyema -[1]
- Subdural Empyema, Frontotemporal Brain Abscess From Dehiscence Of The Posterior Wall Frontal Sinus. -[1]
- Subdural Empyema, Streptococcus Mitis -[1]
- Subdural Hematoma -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Subdural Hematoma, Diffuse Subarachnoid Hemorrhage -[1]
- Subdural Hematoma, Tentorium -[1]
- Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma -[1]
- Subependymal Gray Matter Heterotopia -[1], [2]
- Subependymoma (who Gr 1) Fourth Ventricle -[1]
- Subependymoma Of The Fourth Ventricle -[1]
- Subependymoma, Lateral Ventricle -[1], [2]
- Subgaleal Hemorrhage -[1]
- Sublabral Foramen -[1]
- Submucosal Uterine Leiomyoma (fibroid) -[1]
- Suboptimal Pet Study Due To Recent Exercise -[1]
- Subperiosteal Abscess -[1]
- Subperiosteal Cephalohematoma -[1]
- Subperiosteal Orbital Abscess -[1], [2]
- Subtalar Dislocation -[1]
- Succenturiate Lobe Of The Placenta -[1]
- Supependymal Gray Matter Heterotopia -[1]
- Superficial Siderosis Of The Cns Meninges -[1], [2]
- Superior Mesenteric Artery Dissection -[1]
- Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome -[1], [2], [3]
- Superior Mesenteric Artery Thromboembolus -[1]
- Superior Mesenteric Artery Thrombosis -[1]
- Superior Mesenteric Artery Thrombus -[1]
- Superior Mesenteric Vein Laceration -[1]
- Superior Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis -[1]
- Superior Saggital Sinus Thrombosis And Right Transverse Sinus Thrombosis Secondary Dehydration -[1]
- Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis -[1], [2]
- Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis With Bilateral Frontal Lobe Venous Infarction -[1]
- Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome -[1], [2], [3]
- Superior Vena Cava Obstruction -[1]
- Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Secondary To Lung Cancer -[1]
- Supernumerary Nipple (confirmed By Physical Exam) -[1]
- Superscan -- Diffuse Osteoblastic Metastasis - Prostate Cancer. -[1]
- Superscan Indicative Of Diffuse Osteoblastic Disease From Metastatic Prostate Adenocarcinoma. -[1]
- Supra-renal Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus -[1]
- Supraclavicular Brown Fat -[1]
- Supracondylar Fracture -[1], [2], [3], [4]
- Supracondylar Fracture Of The Distal Humerus. -[1]
- Supracondylar Fracture Of The Humerus, Type Ii -[1]
- Supracondylar Process -[1], [2]
- Supracondylar Process, Diagnosed By Plain Radiograph. -[1]
- Suprasellar Cistern Lipoma -[1]
- Suprasellar Epidermoid Cyst -[1]
- Suprasellar Large Cell Lymphoma, Of The B-cell Phenotype (cd20 Positive). -[1]
- Surgical Repair Of A Hill-sachs Deformity With Associated Bankart Lesion -[1]
- Surgical Storage Of Craniotomy Fragment Pending Definitive Management -[1]
- Suspected Meningioma -[1]
- Suspected Metastasis Of Papillary Thyroid Cancer -[1]
- Svc Duplication -[1]
- Svc Syndrome -[1]
- Svc Syndrome Secondary To Central Catheter-related Venous Thrombosis. -[1]
- Swallowed Foreign Body -[1]
- Swallowed Foreign Body (chicken Bone). The Patient Had A History Of Eating Chicken The Night Before. -[1]
- Swimming-induced Pulmonary Edema (sipe) -[1], [2]
- Swyer-james Syndrome -[1]
- Symptomatic Gastrinoma, Diagnosed By Labaratory And Octreoscan. -[1]
- Synovial Chondromatosis -[1]
- Synovial Cyst -[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
- Synovial Fold Syndrome Of The Elbow -[1]
- Synovial Osteochondromatosis -[1]
- Synovial Sarcoma-biphasic -[1]
- Syringomyelia -[1], [2]
- Syrinx Associated With Chiari I Malformation -[1], [2]
- Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell (ki-1) Lymphoma With Cutaneous Involvement (case 2, 25th Annual Uniformed Services Dermatology Seminar, 2001; Presented By Jeanne P. Osborne, Md, Cpt, Mc, Usaf, And Bradley Graham, Md, Lcdr, Mc, Usnr, Naval Medical Center, San Diego) -[1]
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD