List of wound decorations by country

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== List of Wound Decorations by Country ==

A wound decoration is a form of recognition or award given to individuals for their bravery, service, or achievements in various countries around the world. These decorations are often worn on military uniforms or civilian attire to signify the recipient's accomplishments. The following is a list of wound decorations by country:

Australia[edit | edit source]

In Australia, the Australian Honours System includes various decorations for wounds received in combat or service. These include the Star of Gallantry and the Medal for Gallantry.

Canada[edit | edit source]

Canada has its own system of wound decorations, such as the Sacrifice Medal and the Star of Military Valour. These awards are given to Canadian Armed Forces members for injuries sustained in the line of duty.

France[edit | edit source]

The French military awards several decorations for wounds, including the Croix de Guerre and the Médaille militaire. These honors recognize acts of bravery and sacrifice in the French armed forces.

Germany[edit | edit source]

Germany has a long history of awarding wound decorations, such as the Iron Cross and the Wound Badge. These medals are given to military personnel for injuries sustained during combat operations.

United Kingdom[edit | edit source]

The United Kingdom honors wounded individuals with decorations like the Victoria Cross and the Military Cross. These awards are among the highest military honors in the UK and are given for acts of valor in the face of the enemy.

United States[edit | edit source]

In the United States, wounded service members may receive decorations such as the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star Medal. These awards recognize the sacrifices made by military personnel in defense of their country.

See also[edit | edit source]


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