Marine fish

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Template:Infobox animal group

Marine fish are fish species that inhabit saltwater environments, contrasting with freshwater fish that live in rivers, lakes, and streams. Marine fish are found throughout the world's oceans, from the deep and cold waters of the Arctic Ocean to the warm, shallow waters of tropical reefs.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Marine fish have developed a range of adaptations that enable them to survive in marine environments. These adaptations include physiological and anatomical features such as osmoregulation to handle the salty conditions, and specialized gills that efficiently extract oxygen from seawater. Many marine fish also exhibit unique reproductive strategies like broadcast spawning, where eggs and sperm are released into the water column.

Habitats[edit | edit source]

Marine fish inhabit a variety of marine environments. Some of the key habitats include:

Conservation[edit | edit source]

Marine fish face numerous threats including overfishing, habitat loss, and the impacts of climate change such as ocean acidification and warming. Conservation efforts are critical to sustain populations and include marine protected areas, sustainable fishing practices, and international agreements to regulate ocean usage.

Economic Importance[edit | edit source]

Marine fish are vital for the global economy. They provide a primary source of protein for billions of people and are key to the fishing industry, which supports millions of jobs worldwide. Recreational fishing also plays a significant role in local economies, particularly in coastal regions.

See also[edit | edit source]



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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD