More or Less

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More or Less is a BBC Radio 4 program that focuses on the use and misuse of statistics in the public domain. The show aims to make sense of the numbers and figures that are often presented in the media, providing a clearer understanding of their implications.

History[edit | edit source]

The program was first broadcast in 2001 and has since become a staple of BBC Radio 4's schedule. It was created by Michael Blastland and is currently presented by Tim Harford, an economist and journalist known for his work on the Financial Times and other media outlets.

Format[edit | edit source]

Each episode of More or Less typically runs for about 30 minutes and covers a range of topics where statistics play a crucial role. The show often features interviews with experts, fact-checking segments, and explanations of complex statistical concepts in an accessible manner.

Content[edit | edit source]

The program covers a wide array of subjects, including:

Impact[edit | edit source]

More or Less has been praised for its educational value and its role in promoting statistical literacy among the general public. The show has a loyal following and has been influential in debunking myths and misconceptions that arise from the misuse of statistics.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD