Rose of Viterbo

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Rose of Viterbo

Rose of Viterbo

Rose of Viterbo (1235 – 1251) was a young saint and mystic from the town of Viterbo, Italy. She is also known as Saint Rose, and is venerated as a patron saint of youth, young people, and people in exile.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Rose was born in 1235 in Viterbo, Italy. From a young age, she exhibited a deep devotion to God and a strong desire to serve others. She was known for her piety, humility, and acts of charity towards the poor and sick in her community.

Miracles and Visions[edit | edit source]

Throughout her life, Rose was said to have experienced numerous miracles and visions. She reportedly had the gift of prophecy and was able to perform miraculous healings. Rose's visions often centered around themes of repentance, prayer, and the need for spiritual renewal.

Public Ministry[edit | edit source]

As Rose grew older, she began to attract a following of devoted followers who were inspired by her holiness and spiritual wisdom. She preached against sin and corruption, calling on people to turn back to God and live lives of virtue and compassion.

Death and Legacy[edit | edit source]

Rose died in 1251 at the young age of 17. Despite her short life, she left a lasting impact on the people of Viterbo and beyond. She was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church in 1457, and her feast day is celebrated on March 6th.


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