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SNAB is an acronym that stands for "Svenska Nationalbanken," which translates to "Swedish National Bank" in English. It is the central bank of Sweden and is responsible for the country's monetary policy, issuing currency, and maintaining financial stability.

History[edit | edit source]

SNAB was established in the early 17th century, making it one of the oldest central banks in the world. It was founded to stabilize the Swedish economy and provide a reliable source of credit. Over the centuries, SNAB has played a crucial role in the development of Sweden's financial system and economy.

Functions[edit | edit source]

SNAB has several key functions, including:

  • **Monetary Policy**: SNAB is responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy to achieve price stability. This involves setting interest rates and using other tools to control inflation and influence economic activity.
  • **Currency Issuance**: SNAB has the exclusive right to issue Swedish currency. It ensures that there is an adequate supply of banknotes and coins in circulation.
  • **Financial Stability**: SNAB monitors and assesses risks to the financial system and takes measures to maintain stability. This includes overseeing financial institutions and implementing policies to prevent financial crises.
  • **Payment Systems**: SNAB ensures the smooth functioning of payment systems in Sweden. It operates and oversees various payment and settlement systems to facilitate secure and efficient transactions.

Governance[edit | edit source]

SNAB is governed by a board of directors, which includes a Governor and several deputy governors. The board is responsible for making key policy decisions and overseeing the bank's operations. The Governor is appointed by the government and serves a fixed term.

Headquarters[edit | edit source]

The headquarters of SNAB is located in Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden. The building is an architectural landmark and houses the main offices and operational departments of the bank.

See Also[edit | edit source]



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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD