Scotch hands

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Scotch hands are a traditional Scottish dish, typically consisting of a meat filling encased in a pastry shell. The dish is often served as a snack or a light meal and is particularly popular in Scotland and other parts of the United Kingdom.

History[edit | edit source]

The origins of Scotch hands are believed to date back to the Middle Ages, when they were a popular food among the Scottish working class. The dish was traditionally made using leftover meat, which was combined with spices and other ingredients to create a flavorful filling. The filling was then encased in a pastry shell and baked until golden brown.

Preparation[edit | edit source]

The preparation of Scotch hands involves several steps. First, the meat filling is prepared. This typically involves cooking the meat and then combining it with spices and other ingredients. The exact recipe for the filling can vary, but common ingredients include onion, garlic, carrot, and parsley.

Once the filling is prepared, it is encased in a pastry shell. The pastry is typically made from a simple dough of flour, butter, and water. The dough is rolled out, the filling is placed in the center, and then the dough is folded over to create a sealed pocket.

The Scotch hands are then baked in the oven until the pastry is golden brown and the filling is heated through.

Variations[edit | edit source]

There are many variations of Scotch hands, with different regions of Scotland having their own unique recipes. Some versions use different types of meat, such as lamb or pork, while others include additional ingredients like cheese or mushrooms. There are also vegetarian versions of Scotch hands, which use vegetables or lentils in place of the meat.

See also[edit | edit source]


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