Sommelier India

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Sommelier India is a prominent wine magazine that caters to the growing interest in wine culture in India. It is the first and only magazine in India dedicated exclusively to wine and the wine industry. The magazine provides comprehensive coverage of wine-related topics, including wine reviews, industry news, and features on wine regions, winemakers, and wine events.

History[edit | edit source]

Sommelier India was founded in 2004 by Reva K. Singh and Sourish Bhattacharyya. The magazine was created to fill a gap in the Indian market for high-quality, informative content about wine. Since its inception, Sommelier India has played a significant role in educating Indian consumers about wine and promoting a wine culture in the country.

Content[edit | edit source]

The magazine covers a wide range of topics related to wine, including:

Contributors[edit | edit source]

Sommelier India features contributions from a variety of wine experts, including wine critics, sommeliers, and industry professionals. Notable contributors have included Jancis Robinson, Steven Spurrier, and Hugh Johnson.

Readership[edit | edit source]

The magazine targets a diverse readership, including wine enthusiasts, industry professionals, and those new to the world of wine. It is available through subscription and is also distributed at select wine shops, hotels, and restaurants across India.

Impact[edit | edit source]

Sommelier India has had a significant impact on the Indian wine industry. It has helped to raise awareness about wine, educate consumers, and promote the growth of the domestic wine market. The magazine has also been instrumental in fostering a community of wine lovers in India.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD