Tibezonium iodide

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Tibezonium iodide is a quinolinium compound used as an antiseptic for the treatment of oral and throat infections. It is also known by its trade name, Tyrothricin.

Chemistry[edit | edit source]

Tibezonium iodide is a quaternary ammonium compound. It is a derivative of quinoline, a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound. The iodide in the compound's name refers to the anion that is paired with the tibezonium cation.

Pharmacology[edit | edit source]

Tibezonium iodide works by disrupting the cell membranes of bacteria, causing their contents to leak out and leading to cell death. This makes it effective against a wide range of bacteria, including those that cause oral and throat infections.

Medical uses[edit | edit source]

Tibezonium iodide is used in the treatment of oral and throat infections. It is often used in combination with other antiseptics for a synergistic effect. It can be found in various over-the-counter products, such as lozenges and mouthwashes.

Side effects[edit | edit source]

Like all medications, tibezonium iodide can cause side effects. These are generally mild and may include a burning sensation in the mouth or throat, a change in taste, or a mild rash. If these side effects persist or worsen, medical attention should be sought.

See also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD