Tylopilus alboater

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Tylopilus alboater 159340

Tylopilus alboater, commonly known as the Black Velvet Bolete, is a species of fungus belonging to the Boletaceae family. This mushroom is notable for its distinctive dark coloration and its occurrence in North America, particularly in eastern regions of the United States and parts of Canada. It is a mycorrhizal fungus, forming symbiotic associations with hardwood trees, especially oaks.

Description[edit | edit source]

Tylopilus alboater features a cap that ranges from 4 to 10 cm in diameter, initially convex before flattening with age. The cap surface is velvety to the touch, displaying a deep black or dark brown color. The pores on the underside of the cap are small and round, initially white before turning pinkish or grayish with age. The stipe (stem) is also dark, measuring 5 to 15 cm in height and 1 to 3 cm in thickness, often with a swollen base. The flesh of the mushroom is white and does not change color upon exposure to air.

Habitat and Distribution[edit | edit source]

Tylopilus alboater is found in deciduous forests, particularly those dominated by oaks. It grows from the ground, often in small groups. The species is distributed throughout the eastern United States, extending into Canada. It fruits during the summer and fall months.

Edibility[edit | edit source]

The edibility of Tylopilus alboater is a subject of debate, but it is generally considered inedible due to its bitter taste. The presence of bitter compounds in the flesh makes it unpalatable to most people.

Similar Species[edit | edit source]

Tylopilus alboater can be confused with other dark-colored boletes, such as those in the genus Boletus. However, its distinctive velvety cap and bitter taste help in distinguishing it from edible species.

Conservation[edit | edit source]

There are no known conservation concerns for Tylopilus alboater, as it appears to be relatively widespread and common within its habitat range. However, like many fungi, it could be susceptible to changes in forest composition and health.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD