
Walter Sutton

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Walter sutton

Walter Stanborough Sutton (April 5, 1877 – November 10, 1916) was an American geneticist and physician who made significant contributions to the field of genetics. He is best known for his work on the chromosome theory of inheritance, which helped to establish the role of chromosomes in heredity.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

Walter Sutton was born in Utica, New York, and later moved to Russell, Kansas with his family. He attended the University of Kansas, where he earned a bachelor's degree in 1900. Sutton continued his studies at the same university, obtaining a master's degree in 1901. He then pursued a medical degree at Columbia University, graduating in 1907.

Chromosome Theory of Inheritance[edit | edit source]

Sutton's most notable scientific contribution was his work on the chromosome theory of inheritance. In 1902, while still a graduate student, he published a paper titled "On the Morphology of the Chromosome Group in Brachystola magna," in which he demonstrated that chromosomes occur in distinct pairs and that these pairs segregate independently during meiosis. This observation provided the first clear evidence that Mendelian inheritance could be explained by the behavior of chromosomes during cell division.

Sutton's work, along with that of Theodor Boveri, who independently reached similar conclusions, laid the foundation for the chromosome theory of inheritance. This theory posits that genes are located on chromosomes, and it became a cornerstone of modern genetics.

Medical Career[edit | edit source]

After completing his medical degree, Sutton practiced medicine and surgery. He served as a surgeon during World War I, but his career was cut short when he died of complications from appendicitis in 1916.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Walter Sutton's contributions to genetics have had a lasting impact on the field. His work helped to bridge the gap between Mendelian genetics and cytology, leading to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of heredity. The chromosome theory of inheritance remains a fundamental concept in genetics today.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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