Xanthoconium affine

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Xanthoconium affine 55121

Xanthoconium affine, commonly known as the Spotted Bolete, is a species of mushroom belonging to the Boletaceae family. This fungus is primarily found in North America, where it grows in a mycorrhizal association with hardwood trees, especially oaks. It is one of the many species within the genus Xanthoconium, which are characterized by their yellowish spores and the absence of a mycelial network at the base of the stipe.

Description[edit | edit source]

Xanthoconium affine features a cap that can range from 6 to 25 cm in diameter, initially convex before flattening out with age. The cap surface is dry and can vary in color from reddish-brown to a more subdued brown, often with a paler margin. The pores on the underside of the cap are small and round, changing color from white to yellowish with age, and they do not change color when bruised. The stipe is thick and club-shaped, often larger at the base, and has a similar coloration to the cap but may feature reddish or yellowish tones.

The spore print of Xanthoconium affine is olive-brown. Its spores are elliptical and smooth, measuring 11-15 x 4-5 µm. This species does not have any distinctive smell or taste, which makes it difficult to identify based solely on sensory information.

Habitat and Distribution[edit | edit source]

Xanthoconium affine is predominantly found in eastern North America, thriving in both deciduous and mixed woodlands. It forms symbiotic relationships with the roots of hardwood trees, particularly oaks, facilitating nutrient exchange and promoting forest health. This species prefers moist, well-drained soils and is typically found from late summer to early fall.

Edibility[edit | edit source]

The edibility of Xanthoconium affine is a subject of debate among mycologists and foragers. While not known to be toxic, its culinary value is considered mediocre at best, with some describing its texture as too fibrous or its flavor as unremarkable. As with all wild mushrooms, caution is advised when identifying and consuming Xanthoconium affine, as it can be confused with other, potentially harmful boletes.

Conservation[edit | edit source]

As of the current knowledge, Xanthoconium affine does not face any immediate threats that would warrant conservation concern. However, like many fungi, its existence is closely tied to the health of its woodland habitats. Conservation efforts aimed at preserving these ecosystems indirectly benefit Xanthoconium affine and countless other species that depend on these environments.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD