Carboxylic acid

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

(Redirected from -oic acid)

Carboxylic acid is a type of organic compound that contains a carboxyl group. The general formula for carboxylic acids is R-COOH, where R represents any number of hydrocarbon chains.

Structure and Properties[edit | edit source]

The carboxyl group in carboxylic acids consists of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and single-bonded to a hydroxyl group. This structure imparts several key properties to carboxylic acids.

Carboxylic acids are polar due to the presence of the electronegative oxygen atoms. This polarity allows them to form hydrogen bonds with other polar molecules, including water, making them generally soluble in water.

The presence of the carboxyl group also makes carboxylic acids acidic. The hydrogen in the hydroxyl group can dissociate, releasing a proton and leaving behind a negatively charged carboxylate ion.

Common Carboxylic Acids[edit | edit source]

Several carboxylic acids are commonly encountered in daily life. These include:

  • Acetic acid: This is the acid that gives vinegar its sour taste. It is also used in the production of polyvinyl acetate, a common type of plastic.
  • Formic acid: This is the simplest carboxylic acid, with only one carbon atom. It is found in the stings of ants and in some types of plants.
  • Citric acid: This is a weak acid found in citrus fruits. It is often used as a food preservative and flavor enhancer.
  • Lactic acid: This is produced in the muscles during intense exercise, leading to the sensation of muscle fatigue. It is also found in sour milk products like yogurt.

Uses of Carboxylic Acids[edit | edit source]

Carboxylic acids have a wide range of uses in various industries. In the food industry, they are used as preservatives and flavor enhancers. In the pharmaceutical industry, they are used in the production of various drugs. In the chemical industry, they are used as starting materials for the synthesis of a variety of other compounds.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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