
From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia


2-Hydroxyestriol is a metabolite of estriol, a type of estrogen hormone. It is produced in the liver through the process of hydroxylation, a chemical reaction that introduces a hydroxyl group into an organic compound.

Chemical Structure and Properties[edit | edit source]

The chemical structure of 2-Hydroxyestriol includes a phenolic A-ring, which is characteristic of the 2-hydroxylated estrogens. This structure is responsible for its unique physiological effects. It has a molecular weight of 302.39 g/mol and a chemical formula of C18H24O3.

Physiological Role[edit | edit source]

2-Hydroxyestriol plays a significant role in the endocrine system. It is one of the major active metabolites of estriol, contributing to the overall estrogenic activity in the body. It binds to estrogen receptors and exerts estrogenic effects in target tissues.

Clinical Significance[edit | edit source]

The levels of 2-Hydroxyestriol in the body can be used as a biomarker for various health conditions. For instance, elevated levels may indicate an increased risk of breast cancer due to the proliferative effects of estrogens. On the other hand, lower levels may be associated with osteoporosis due to the role of estrogens in bone health.

Research and Future Directions[edit | edit source]

Research on 2-Hydroxyestriol is ongoing, with studies investigating its potential role in disease prevention and treatment. For example, its anti-proliferative effects are being explored for potential use in cancer therapy.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD