
Alice Osborne Curwen

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Alice Osborne Curwen was a prominent Quaker missionary and writer in the 17th century. She is known for her extensive travels and her efforts to spread the Quaker faith across Europe and North America.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Alice Osborne was born in England in the early 17th century. Little is known about her early life, but she became involved with the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, in her youth. She married Thomas Curwen, a fellow Quaker, and the couple became active in the Quaker movement.

Missionary Work[edit | edit source]

Alice Curwen is best known for her missionary work. Alongside her husband, she traveled extensively to promote Quaker beliefs. The Curwens visited various parts of Europe, including the Netherlands and Germany, where they engaged in religious discussions and sought to convert others to Quakerism.

In the 1670s, Alice and Thomas Curwen traveled to North America, where they continued their missionary activities. They visited New England, New York, and Pennsylvania, meeting with local Quaker communities and spreading their religious message. Alice Curwen's writings from this period provide valuable insights into the early Quaker movement in America.

Writings[edit | edit source]

Alice Curwen was also a prolific writer. Her works include letters, religious tracts, and accounts of her travels. These writings offer a unique perspective on the challenges and experiences of a female missionary in the 17th century. Her contributions to Quaker literature have been recognized as significant in the history of the movement.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Alice Osborne Curwen's dedication to her faith and her extensive missionary work left a lasting impact on the Quaker community. Her writings continue to be studied by historians and religious scholars interested in the early history of Quakerism and the role of women in religious movements.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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