
Curious George Goes to the Hospital

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Curious George Goes to the Hospital is a children's book written by Margret Rey and H.A. Rey. It is part of the Curious George series, which follows the adventures of a curious little monkey named George and his friend, The Man with the Yellow Hat. This book was first published in 1966 and is notable for its educational content about hospitals and medical procedures.

Plot Summary[edit | edit source]

The story begins with Curious George swallowing a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. The Man with the Yellow Hat quickly realizes that George needs medical attention and takes him to the hospital. At the hospital, George undergoes various medical procedures, including an X-ray to locate the puzzle piece. The book explains these procedures in a way that is accessible and reassuring to young readers.

While at the hospital, George's curiosity leads him to explore different parts of the hospital, causing a series of humorous and educational events. He meets other children who are patients, and his antics help to alleviate their fears about being in the hospital. Eventually, the puzzle piece is safely removed, and George recovers fully.

Educational Themes[edit | edit source]

The book serves as an educational tool for children who may be anxious about visiting a hospital. It introduces them to common medical procedures and hospital environments in a friendly and non-threatening manner. The story emphasizes the importance of listening to doctors and following medical advice.

Characters[edit | edit source]

  • Curious George - The main character, a curious little monkey.
  • The Man with the Yellow Hat - George's friend and caretaker.
  • Dr. Baker - The doctor who treats George.
  • Nurse Carol - A kind nurse who helps George during his hospital stay.
  • Betsy - A young girl who is also a patient at the hospital.

Reception[edit | edit source]

Curious George Goes to the Hospital has been praised for its ability to address children's fears about hospitals in a gentle and humorous way. It remains a popular book for parents and educators to use when preparing children for a hospital visit.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

The book is part of the larger Curious George series, which has been adapted into various television shows, films, and other media. The series continues to be beloved by children and parents alike.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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