Emirati cuisine

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Emirati cuisine refers to the traditional food and beverage practices of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is characterized by a blend of Asian and Middle Eastern influences, reflecting the country's historical trade routes and diverse population.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of Emirati cuisine is deeply intertwined with the UAE's geographical location and socio-economic development. The country's coastal access facilitated trade with India, Persia, and East Africa, introducing a variety of spices and ingredients to the local cuisine. The Bedouin lifestyle of the desert-dwelling inhabitants also influenced the cuisine, with an emphasis on hardy ingredients like dates, camel milk, and meat.

Ingredients[edit | edit source]

Emirati cuisine utilizes a variety of ingredients, many of which are native to the region. Staple foods include rice, fish, and meat, particularly lamb and mutton. Dates are a common ingredient, used in both sweet and savory dishes. Spices such as saffron, turmeric, and cardamom are frequently used to flavor dishes.

Dishes[edit | edit source]

Some of the most popular Emirati dishes include Harees, a dish of wheat and meat slow-cooked until it reaches a porridge-like consistency, and Machboos, a spiced rice dish often served with meat or fish. Luqaimat, sweet dumplings drizzled with date syrup, is a common dessert.

Beverages[edit | edit source]

Traditional Emirati beverages include Arabic coffee, which is often flavored with cardamom, and camel milk, which is consumed both fresh and fermented.

Modern Influences[edit | edit source]

In recent years, the Emirati cuisine has been influenced by the influx of expatriates and tourists, leading to a fusion of traditional Emirati dishes with international flavors.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD