Glossary of government terms

From Medical Encyclopedia

A[edit | edit source]

Action Codes identify stages that condense detailed legislative action steps.

Formally end a meeting of a chamber or committee.

An adjournment that terminates an annual session of Congress. A "sine die" ("without day") adjournment sets no day for reconvening, so that Congress will not meet again until the first day of the next session. Under the Constitution, adjournment sine die (except when the next session is about to convene) requires the agreement of both chambers, accomplished through adoption of a concurrent resolution, which in current practice also authorizes leaders of either chamber to reconvene its session if circumstances warrant.

A proposed change to a pending text (e.g., a bill, resolution, another amendment, or a treaty [or an associated resolution of ratification]).

Also referred to as “amendments between the houses” or, colloquially, “ping-pong.” A method for reconciling differences between the two chambers’ versions of a measure by sending the measure back and forth between them until both have agreed to identical language.

Amendment that seeks to replace the entire text of an underlying measure.

B[edit | edit source]

Literally, “two chambers;” in a legislative body, having two houses (as in the House of Representatives and the Senate comprising the U.S. Congress).

The primary form of legislative measure used to propose law. Depending on the chamber of origin, bills begin with a designation of either H.R. or S.

Upon introduction of a bill or resolution in the House or Senate, legislative analysts in the [[Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress write a short summary that objectively describes the measure's significant provisions. Introduced version summaries are subject to length limitations as a matter of policy.

When a measure receives action (e.g., it is reported from a committee or passed by the House or Senate), the analysts then write an expanded summary, detailing the measure's effect upon programs and current law. Bill summaries are written as a result of a congressional action and may not always correspond to a document published by the Government Publishing Office. A final public law summary is prepared upon enactment into law.

Each summary description identifies the date and version of the measure, and indicates whether there have been amendments: e.g., Passed House amended.

A measure (provided for by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended) that sets forth a congressional budget plan, including aggregate budgetary levels, which may be enforced during the subsequent consideration of spending and revenue legislation. It is in the form of a [[concurrent resolution (e.g., an H.Con.Res or an S.Con. Res), not a law-making vehicle; as such, it is not submitted to the president.

A designation on a measure indicating that the member has introduced the measure on behalf of someone else (e.g., the President or an executive branch agency), or pursuant to statutory requirements, and may not necessarily support its provision. See bills introduced by request.

C[edit | edit source]

Lists of measures, motions, and matters that are (or soon will become) eligible for consideration on the chamber floor; also, the official document that contains these lists and other information about the status of legislation and other matters. The House has four such calendars, published as one document; the Senate publishes two.

The [[Congressional Budget Office is a legislative branch agency that produces independent analyses of budgetary and economic issues to support the Congressional budget process.

The method by which a supermajority (typically, three-fifths) of the Senate may agree to limit further debate and consideration of a question (e.g., a bill, amendment, or other matter). Details of the procedural process are provided for in Rule XXII of the Senate standing rules.

Codification measures are not available in XML at this time, therefore XML/HTML text formats should not be expected to be available from nor from govinfo.

A panel (or subpanel) with members from the House or Senate (or both) tasked with conducting hearings, examining and developing legislation, conducting oversight, and/or helping manage chamber business and activities.

A committee or subcommittee may interact with a bill in a variety of ways. Bills may be [[referred to or discharged from a committee by the full chamber. Committees [[markup bill texts, hold [[hearings to learn more about a topic, or may express legislative interest. Committees [[report legislation out to the full chamber recommending or disapproving consideration, or may report an original bill.

The member of the majority party on a committee who has formal responsibility over the panel’s agenda and resources, presides at its meetings, and can, in some circumstances, act on the committee’s behalf.

A parliamentary device designed to allow greater participation in floor consideration of measures. It can be understood as the House assembled in a different form; it is a committee of the House composed of every Representative that meets in the House chamber. The House considers many major measures in the Committee of the Whole.

Document accompanying a measure reported from a committee. It contains an explanation of the provisions of the measure, arguments for its approval, votes held in markup, individual committee members’ opinions, cost estimates, and other information.

Committee reports are published in the [[congressional report document series.

Written statements, messages or petitions sent to the Congress by the President of the United States, executive branch officials, or state or local governments. Types of communications include executive communications, presidential messages, [[petitions and memorials.

Identical or substantially similar measures introduced in the other chamber.

A form of legislative measure used for the regulation of business within both chambers of Congress, not for proposing changes in law. Depending on the chamber of origin, they begin with a designation of either H.Con.Res. or S.Con.Res.

Members of the House and Senate appointed to a conference committee. Also sometimes called “managers.”

Temporary joint committee created to resolve differences between House-passed and Senate-passed versions of a measure.

The document presenting an agreement reached by a joint temporary committee (a conference committee) appointed to negotiate a compromise between the House and Senate.

Conference reports are published in the [[Congressional Record and also in the [[congressional report document series.

When referring to a time-period (e.g., the 114th Congress which convened on January 6, 2015) rather than the legislative branch generally, a Congress is the national legislature in office (for approximately two years). It begins with the convening of a new Congress comprised of members elected in the most-recent election and ends with the [[adjournment sine die of the legislature (typically after a new election has occurred).

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress. For every day Congress is in session, an issue of the Congressional Record is printed by the Government Publishing Office. Each issue summarizes the day's floor and committee actions and records all remarks delivered in the House and Senate.

Congressional reports originate from congressional committees and deal with proposed legislation or issues under investigation. Congress issues different types of reports, including committee reports, [[conference reports and executive reports.

Congressional reports may be issued by the House or Senate. Depending on the chamber of origin, report citations begin with the Congress number during which it was issued and either H. Rpt. or S. Rpt., and an accession number (e.g., 112 H. Rpt. 1). Congressional reports are compiled in the U.S. Congressional Serial Set.

An appropriations act (typically in the form of a joint resolution) that provides stop-gap (or full-year) funds for federal agencies and programs to continue operations when the regular (or annual) appropriations acts have not been enacted by the beginning of the fiscal year.

Representatives or Senators who formally sign on to support a measure. Only the first-named Member is the sponsor, all others are cosponsors, even those whose names appeared on the measure at the time it was submitted.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress works exclusively for the United States Congress, providing policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of party affiliation. CRS provides Congress with analysis that is authoritative, confidential, objective, and non-partisan.

D[edit | edit source]

A section of the [[Congressional Record summarizing the day's floor and committee actions in each chamber, with page references to the verbatim accounts of floor actions. It also lists the measures scheduled for action during each chamber's next meeting and the announcements of upcoming committee meetings.

The Digest appears at the back of each daily Record. Its pages are separately numbered and preceded by the letter D. In the bound Congressional Record, all Daily Digests for a session are printed in a separate volume.

E[edit | edit source]

Made into law.

"All together." Sometimes a committee or congressional chamber will agree to act concurrently on multiple measures (e.g., bills) or matters (e.g., nominations), thereby considering them "en bloc."

Official copy of a measure as passed by one chamber, including the text as amended by floor action.

Final official copy of a measure as passed in identical form by both chambers and then printed on parchment for presentation to the President.

Errata are lists of errors in congressional publications. The corrections are printed on sheets, or pages. The errata sheets are usually tipped into the original document. provides errata text on a tab within committee report texts (e.g., errata issued for 105HRpt341).

Nominations and treaties submitted by the president to the Senate for its "Advice and Consent;" the Senate treats such business separately from its legislative business.

The list of treaties and nominations that are (or soon will become) eligible for consideration by the full Senate; also, the [[official document that contains these lists and other information about the status of items of executive business.

Written statement or petition presented to Congress by the Executive Branch or other organization that may affect appropriations.

A written committee report accompanying a matter of executive business ([[treaty or nomination) reported by the committee.

A period under Senate rules during which executive business is considered on the floor. (Legislation is considered only in legislative session, with its own distinct rules and practices; the Senate may go back and forth between legislative and executive session, even within the course of a day.)

F[edit | edit source]

Libraries where congressional and other federal publications are available for free public use. Locate a depository library.

In the Senate, the use of dilatory or obstructive tactics to delay or block passage of a measure by preventing it from coming to a vote.

G[edit | edit source]

The requirement that an amendment be closely related—in terms of the precise subject or purpose, for example—to the text it proposes to amend. House rules require amendments to be germane; Senate rules apply this restriction only in limited circumstances.

[[Government Publishing Office is a legislative branch agency that provides publishing and dissemination services for the official and authentic government publications to Congress, federal agencies, federal depository libraries, and the American public.

H[edit | edit source]

A formal meeting of a congressional committee (or subcommittee) to gather information from witnesses for use in its activities (that is, the development of legislation, oversight of executive agencies, investigations into matters of public policy, or Senate consideration of presidential nominations).

Learn more About Committee Hearings of the U.S. Congress.

See also, committee-related activity.

A request by a Senator to his or her party leader to delay floor action on a measure (e.g., bill) or matter (e.g., nomination), to be consulted on its disposition, and/or an indication that he or she would object to a unanimous consent request to consider said item of business or otherwise delay or obstruct consideration.

A wooden box on the House floor into which measures are dropped for formal introduction.

A committee in the House that, among other things, is responsible for reporting out "special rules"—simple resolutions that propose to the House tailored terms for debate and amendment of a measure on the House floor.

I[edit | edit source]

A bill that is word-for-word identical to another bill. Bills are characterized as identical to each other at the introduced stage only, even though a later (e.g., reported or passed) version of a bill might meet the same criteria for text similarity.

Legal agreements the United States enters into with other States or international organizations; they may take the form of an executive agreement entered into by the executive branch (but not submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent) or the form of a treaty.

J[edit | edit source]

Statement appended to a conference report explaining the conference agreement and the intent of the conferees. Sometimes called a “statement of managers.”

A form of legislative measure used to propose changes in law, or to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Depending on the chamber of origin, they begin with a designation of either H.J.Res. or S.J.Res.

  • Bill is another form of legislative measure used to propose law.

The constitutionally-mandated record of certain House and Senate actions, including motions offered, votes taken, and amendments agreed to. Unlike the Congressional Record, it does not contain remarks delivered in the House and Senate.

A set of policy issues that fall under the purview of a specific committee (or subcommittee); full committee jurisdiction is set by chamber standing rules and precedents.

L[edit | edit source]

Each chamber produces detailed, chamber-specific legislative action steps. Each step has a number code.

See also, major action.

A label used by committees to identify bills that were not formally referred to the committee but which the committee expresses jurisdictional or provisional interest in.

See also, committee-related activity.

The legislative subject term vocabulary consists of approximately 1,000 subjects, geographic entities, and organization names. CRS may assign one or many terms to describe a measure's substance and effects. The legislative subject term vocabulary is consistently used for all bills and resolutions introduced since 2009 (111th Congress).

Terms assigned to a bill can be seen from the "View All Subjects" link to the right of each bill's overview. [[Find Bills by Subject and Policy Area provides subject term search guidance.

See also, policy area term.

The Legislative Indexing Vocabulary (LIV) was the [[Congressional Research Service (CRS) thesaurus for subject searching in databases of the Library of Congress from 1973 to 2008. This controlled vocabulary provided access via specific subjects to legislative material, public policy literature, and CRS products. With increased availability of electronic full text of documents and accompanying search capabilities, the level of detail employed by LIV became unnecessary and work began to modernize and streamline the pool of vocabulary terms assigned by CRS analysts to classify and group legislation. Those efforts resulted in the far more compact list of legislative subject terms, in use since 2009.

M[edit | edit source]

Meeting by a committee or subcommittee during which committee members offer, debate, and vote on amendments to a measure.

See also, committee-related activity.

A legislative vehicle: a bill, joint resolution, concurrent resolution, or simple resolution.

Written statement or petition presented to Congress by the legislature of a state or territory that may affect the proceedings of a committee or Congress in general.  Memorials may be referred by a Member of the House of Representatives.  The Senate does not differentiate between memorials and petitions.

A motion in the Senate, which, if agreed to by a majority of those present and voting, brings a measure (e.g., bill) or matter (e.g., nomination) before the chamber for consideration. Often referred to simply as a “motion to proceed.”

In the House, a motion offered by a member of the minority party at the end of floor consideration that, if adopted in its simple form, returns the measure to legislative committee. If combined with “instructions to report back forthwith,” the motion effectively provides one last opportunity for a minority party member to offer an amendment to the measure. In the Senate, the motion may be offered at other times during consideration of a measure, and is not a prerogative of a member of the minority party; it may also be used as a means of offering an amendment.

A non-debatable motion in the House and Senate (and in their committees) by which a simple majority may agree to negatively and permanently dispose of a question (e.g., an amendment).

N[edit | edit source]

After the President signs a bill into law, it is delivered to NARA's Office of the Federal Register where editors assign a public law number.

The president's formal submission of an individual's name, and the federal government position to which he or she is proposed to be appointed, for Senate consideration and potential confirmation.

Legislative analysts in the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress may supplement a bill record with a brief note when the title, text, or actions require explanation beyond the information immediately available. Such explanations might alert the user to a text anomaly, note that the bill is a vehicle for a rapidly moving measure, include links to additional documents, or aid in the interpretation of the measure's context.

O[edit | edit source]

A bill's sponsor designates an official title which may be amended in the course of legislative action. Bills may also have short titles. The more complex a bill becomes, the more likely the bill is to acquire additional titles.

See also, [[popular title and short title.

Committee’s formal action of agreeing to report a measure or matter to its chamber. See also, reported.

An introduced bill that embodies a text approved in a committee markup but not formally introduced prior to the markup. Senate committees are authorized to report original bills within their jurisdictions in addition to reporting measures that have been introduced and referred to them; some House committees also have authority to originate certain measures.

See also, committee-related activity.

P[edit | edit source]

Nonpartisan staff officials (one in each chamber, assisted by deputies and assistants) who provide expert advice and assistance to the presiding officer and to members on the application and interpretation of chamber rules, precedents, and practices (including referral of measures to committee).

A presidential nomination (PN) with multiple nominees may be partitioned by the Senate if the nominees follow a different confirmation path. Partitions are identified with a suffix; for example, PN230-1 (114th Congress) and PN230-2 (114th Congress). Searching on a PN number in, such as PN230, without a partition designation will retrieve all partitions of a partitioned nomination.

The official organization comprised of all members of a political party serving within a congressional chamber (e.g., the Senate Republican Conference, the House Democratic Caucus, etc.).

Written statement from any entity other than a state legislature – boards, commissions, cities, towns, individuals – that may affect the proceedings of a committee or Congress in general. The Senate does not differentiate between petitions and memorials.

See amendment exchange.

A member’s statement to the presiding officer that the chamber (or committee) is taking action contrary to the rules or precedents, and a demand that they be enforced.

The [[policy area term vocabulary is consistently used for all bills and resolutions introduced since 1979 (96th Congress). The term Commemorations was used from 1997 to 2008 (105th to 110th Congresses) to categorize measures introduced to honor or memorialize. The term displays in the Subject - Policy Area section of those measures. Example: [[H.Con.Res.205 [110th]]].

Policy Area terms display to the right of the bill Overview. [[Find Bills by Subject and Policy Area provides subject term search guidance.

See also, legislative subject term.

An informal, unofficial name for legislation that may be assigned by the House, Senate, or CRS to improve access. Popular titles are usually not found within official legislative texts (e.g., the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is commonly known as the health care reform bill).

Written statement presented to the Congress, such as the President's Budget or the State of the Union address.

Non-debatable motion, available in the House and its legislative committees, which, when agreed to, cuts off further debate, prevents the offering of additional amendments, and brings the pending matter to an immediate vote.

In contrast to public bills (which apply to public matters and deal with individuals only by classes), a private bill proposes to provide benefits that are restricted to one or more specified individuals (including corporations or institutions), typically when no other legal remedy is available.

The [[Legislative Subject term "Private Legislation" is assigned to measures proposed to provide benefits that are restricted to one or more specified individuals. Measures with a Legislative Subject term assignment "Private Legislation" usually do not get a Policy Area term assignment.

See also private laws.

Certain nominations entitled to expedited procedures, pursuant to S.Res. 116 (112th Congress).

Legislation that affects consideration of other legislation (e.g., a rule for consideration, a bill ordered to be reported or passed in lieu of another measure).

A daily session of either chamber held chiefly to avoid the occurrence of either a recess of more than three days within the annual session or an [[adjournment sine die (either of which would constitutionally require the consent of the other chamber). Pro forma sessions are typically short, with no business, or very little, conducted.

A Senate amendment is proposed or offered when a Senator has been recognized by the presiding officer, sends his/her amendment to the desk (or identifies an amendment already at the desk), and the amendment is read by the clerk. The amendment becomes pending before the Senate, and remains pending until disposed of by the Senate. Occasionally the term "called up" is used in lieu of "proposed" or "offered."

Both proposed and submitted amendments are numbered and printed in the Congressional Record.

Q[edit | edit source]

Minimum number of members of a chamber (or committee) required for the transaction of certain types of business.

Action to formally ascertain the presence of the minimum number of members required to transact business. In the Senate, quorum calls are also commonly used as a sort of “time out” in floor proceedings without recessing the chamber.

R[edit | edit source]

The most senior (though not necessarily the longest-serving) member of the minority party on a committee (or subcommittee). The ranking member typically oversees minority committee staff and may coordinate involvement of the minority party committee members in committee activities.

A temporary presidential appointment, during a recess of the Senate, of an individual to a federal government position, where such appointment usually requires the advice and consent of the Senate.

Assignment of a measure to a committee or committees (or subcommittees) for potential consideration.

See also, committee-related activity.

A related bill may be a companion measure, an identical bill, a procedurally-related measure, or one with text similarities. Bill relationships are identified by the House, the Senate, or CRS, and refer only to same-Congress measures.

Formal submission of a measure by a committee to its parent chamber or by a subcommittee to its parent committee. See also, ordered reported.

See also, committee-related activity.

In recent Congresses, the resolution specifying House internal rules of procedure includes reserving bill numbers for assignment by the Speaker. In the 112th Congress (2011-2012) the practice was extended to reserve additional bill numbers for assignment by the Minority Leader.

A vote that records the individual position of each Member who voted. Such votes occurring on the House floor (by the "yeas and nays" or by "recorded vote") are taken by electronic device. The Senate has no electronic voting system; in such votes, Senators answer "yea" or "nay" as the clerk calls each name aloud. Each vote is compiled by clerks and receives a roll call number (referenced in as a "Record Vote" [Senate] or "Roll no." [House]). See Roll Call Votes by the U.S. Congress.

A resolution by which the Senate, if supported by a vote of two-thirds, formally gives its advice and consent to a treaty, thereby empowering the President to proceed with ratification of the treaty.

S[edit | edit source]

In addition to an official title, a bill may be assigned one or more short titles upon introduction, committee or chamber action, or enactment. Short titles may name all or portions of the bill's content. In a display of titles, those that describe the entirety of the bill version appear under a bolded heading (e.g., Short Titles as Passed House), followed by those, if any, that describe portions of the bill. Short titles may change as the bill moves through the legislative process.

See also, official title and popular title.

A form of legislative measure introduced and potentially acted upon by only one congressional chamber and used for the regulation of business only within the chamber of origin. Depending on the chamber of origin, they begin with a designation of either H.Res. or S.Res.

The initial publication of a measure that has become law. Slip laws are made available online within days after enactment through the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) and are used until the law is published in a more permanent form. [[Public and private laws are then reprinted by number in the Statutes at Large, and public laws later incorporated into the U.S. Code.

A resolution reported by the [[Rules Committee that, if agreed to by the House, sets the terms for debating and amending a specified measure or measures.

A Representative or Senator who introduces or submits a bill or other measure.

Star prints are corrected re-prints of congressional publications. Star prints supersede the original print of a report, document, print or hearing. Corrected re-prints may be identifiable by one or more stars, and sometimes the words "Star Print," at the lower left-hand corner of official paper and PDF title pages or covers. Web-friendly bill texts display stars in the top left margin (e.g., Star print of 114SRes22).

There are three separate and distinct subject term vocabularies used to facilitate finding bills by subject. See policy area term, [[legislative subject term, and LIV - Legislative Indexing Vocabulary.

An amendment is submitted when a senator files his/her amendment at the desk with the clerk for possible future consideration by the Senate. A submitted amendment is not pending until it is formally [[proposed/offered by a senator. The term "filed" is sometimes used in lieu of "submitted."

Both proposed and submitted amendments are numbered and printed in the Congressional Record.

A term sometimes used for a vote on a matter that requires approval by more than a simple majority of those members present and voting, with a quorum being present; also referred to as extraordinary majority.

In the House, a procedure that streamlines consideration of a measure with wide support by prohibiting floor amendments, limiting debate to 40 minutes, and requiring a two-thirds majority for passage. Although rarely used, the Senate may also suspend various rules by a vote of two-thirds following one day’s written notice.

T[edit | edit source]

Legislation that is substantially similar in both text and meaning. Relationships indicated on this basis also include cases where language of one measure is found intact in another, often larger, measure.

Identical bills, companion measures, and [[procedurally-related measures are other related bill types.

See official title, popular title, and short title

An agreement negotiated and signed by the executive that enters into force if it is approved by a two-thirds vote in the Senate, and is subsequently ratified by the President.

The text of a [[treaty as submitted to the Senate by the executive branch, as well as letters of transmittal from the President and the Secretary of State, and accompanying background documentation.

U[edit | edit source]

In the Senate, a proposal that, if agreed to, establishes the procedural guidelines for considering a measure or matter on the floor. If any member objects to such a request, it is not agreed to. Also sometimes called a “UC agreement” or a “time agreement.”

A proposal that all members (of a chamber or committee) agree to set aside one or more chamber or committee rules to take some action otherwise not in order. If any member objects to such a request, it is not agreed to.

V[edit | edit source]

Presidential disapproval of a bill or joint resolution presented to him for enactment into law. If a president vetoes a bill, it can become law only if the House and Senate separately vote (by two-thirds) to override the veto. A less common form of presidential veto – a pocket veto – occurs if Congress has adjourned without the possibility of returning and the president does not sign the measure within the required 10-day (excluding Sundays) period.

The definitions provided in this glossary relate to words as used on Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government. There may be other definitions for these words.

A[edit | edit source]

  • act: Legislation that has passed both Houses of Congress and has been either approved by the President or passed over his veto, thus becoming law. Also used technically for a bill that has been passed by one House of Congress.
  • amend: To change the wording or meaning of a motion, bill, Constitution, etc. by formal procedure. For example, Congress may amend the Constitution.
  • amendment: A proposal by a Member (in committee or floor session of the respective Chamber) to alter the language or provisions of a bill or act. It is voted on in the same manner as a bill. The Constitution of the United States, as provided in Article 5, may be amended when two-thirds of each House of Congress approves a proposed amendment and three-fourths of the states thereafter ratify it.
  • alien: A resident of another country who has not yet become a citizen of the country where he or she now lives.
  • Anti-Federalists: Opponents to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Leading Anti-Federalists included George Mason, Elbridge Gerry, Patrick Henry, and George Clinton.
  • Articles of Confederation: The first constitution of the 13 American states. They were written in 1777, adopted in 1781, but then replaced in 1787 by the Constitution of the United States.
  • autonomy: Independence or freedom; the right of self-government.

B[edit | edit source]

  • bicameral: The quality of having two branches, chambers, or houses, such as the United States Congress, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
  • bill: Formally introduced legislation. Most legislative proposals are in the form of bills and are designated as H.R. (House of Representatives) or S. (Senate), depending on the House in which they are introduced. They are numbered in the order in which they are introduced during each Congress. Public Bills deal with general questions and become Public Laws, or Acts, if they approved by Congress and signed by the President. Private Bills deal with individual matters such as claims against the Federal Government, immigration and naturalization cases, land titles, and so on, and become Private Laws if approved and signed.
  • Bill of Rights: The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.

C[edit | edit source]

  • calendar: A list of bills, resolutions, or other matters to be considered before committees or on the floor of either House of Congress.
  • census: An official count of the number of persons living in a geographic area, such as a city, county, state, or nation.
  • checks and balances: Limits placed on the branches of Government by giving each the right to amend acts of the other branches. 
  • citizen: A native or naturalized subject of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection.
  • colony: A country or an area that is under the control or government of another country.
  • commerce: Buying and selling of goods; it is usually thought of as trade between states or nations.
  • committee: A group of Members of Congress appointed to investigate, debate, and report on legislation.
  • concurrent powers: Power that is shared by both a national government and state governments, such as collecting taxes, building roads, and making and enforcing laws.
  • confirmation: Action by the Senate approving Presidential nominees for the executive branch, regulatory commissions, and certain other positions.
  • confederation: a joining together or association in an alliance or league, such as confederate states.
  • Congress: The seat of legislative power. There are 535 members of the U.S. Congress: 435 in the House of Representatives and 100 in the Senate. See also House of Representatives and Senate.
  • congressional district: A division or part of a state based on population; each district elects one person to Congress.
  • constituent: A person who is part of a larger group. In politics, a constituent is represented by an elected official.
  • Constitution: The document which establishes the basic principles of the American Government.

D[edit | edit source]

  • decennial: Occurring every ten years. The first decennial census, or count of the population of the United States, took place in 1790.
  • delegate: A person who acts for or represents another or others, such as a deputy or representative at a political convention.
  • democracy: A system of government by all eligible people, often through their representatives.
  • democratic: Supporting the principles of a democracy, such as representation by and for the people.
  • dual federalism: A system of government where the states and the national government have clearly defined and separated areas of power.
  • due process: The requirement under law that each state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. It ensures fair treatment through the judicial system.

E[edit | edit source]

  • elastic clause: A statement in the U.S. Constitution granting Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the list of powers it was granted (Article I, Section 8).
  • Emancipation Proclamation: An order by President Lincoln that took effect in 1863, during the Civil War, which ended slavery in the confederate states.
  • enrolled bill: The final copy of a bill or joint resolution which has passed both chambers in identical form. It is printed on parchment paper, signed by appropriate House and Senate officials, and submitted to the President for signature.

F[edit | edit source]

  • federal: A union of groups or states in which each member agrees to give up some of its governmental power in certain areas to a central authority; in the United States, it is used to describe the central Government.
  • federalism: A federal principle or system union of states in which power is divided between a central authority and the member state authorities.
  • fiscal year: A twelve month period used by the Federal Government that begins on October 1 of one year and ends on September 30 of the following year. It is often shortened to FY, as in, FY 2015 is October 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015.
  • Founding Fathers: Important leaders who took part in the American Revolution and helped form our system of Government. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and John Adams are considered Founding Fathers.

G[edit | edit source]

  • general election: A regular election of candidates to office, as opposed to a primary election, which is held to decide who will be in the general election.
  • gerrymandering: A way or practice of controlling the boundaries of district lines to favor the electoral advantage of a political party or faction. The term was first used in 1812, when Elbridge Gerry was Governor of Massachusetts, to characterize the state redistricting plan.

H[edit | edit source]

  • hearing: A meeting or session of a committee of Congress, usually open to the public, to gather information and opinions on proposed legislation, conduct an investigation, or oversee a program.
  • hopper: A box attached to the side of the Clerk’s desk in the House of Representatives into which a proposed legislative bill is dropped and in so doing is officially introduced.
  • House of Representatives: Along with the Senate, it is one of the two Houses of the U.S. Congress. Members are granted to each state based upon population and each representative serves a two-year term. There are currently 435 members in the House of Representatives.

I[edit | edit source]

  • immigrant: A person who moves from one country to another to live permanently.
  • impeachment: A formal accusation issued by a legislature against a public official charged with crime or other serious misconduct.
  • independent: When a person or thing is not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion or conduct; thinking or acting for oneself.
  • indirect popular election: Instead of voting for a specific candidate, voters select a panel of individuals pledged to vote for a specific candidate. This is in contrast to a popular election where votes are cast for an individual candidate. For example, in a general Presidential election, voters select electors to represent their vote in the Electoral College, and not for an individual Presidential candidate.
  • initiative: A process by which a particular number of voters may propose a statute, constitutional amendment, or ordinance, and compel a vote on its adoption.

J[edit | edit source]

  • judicial review: The power of a court to judge the constitutionality of the laws of a government or the acts of a government official.

L[edit | edit source]

  • law: A system of rules of conduct established and enforced by the authority, legislation, or custom of a given community, state, or nation. Used in the singular to mean a specific law (a law protecting free speech) or in the plural to refer to a set of laws (the law of the land).
  • legislative day: A formal meeting of a House of Congress which begins with the call to order and opening of business and ends with adjournment. A legislative day may cover a period of several calendar days, with the House recessing at the end of each calendar day, rather than adjourning.
  • line-item veto: The power of an executive to disapprove or reject parts of a bill without having to reject the entire bill.

M[edit | edit source]

  • motion: A formal suggestion or proposal that an action be taken related to the process of making a law.

N[edit | edit source]

  • national: Of or relating to the entire nation. Also, a citizen or subject of a nation who is entitled to its protection.
  • naturalization: The process by which a person is made a national or citizen of a country other than his or her native one. A naturalized citizen is one who was not born a U.S. citizen.

O[edit | edit source]

  • obelisk: An upright stone pillar, usually having four sides, that has a pyramid shape at the top; the Washington Monument is an obelisk.

P[edit | edit source]

  • pocket veto: The disapproval of a bill brought about by an indirect rejection by the President. According to the Constitution, the President is granted 10 days, Sundays excepted, to review a piece of legislation passed by Congress. If the President has not signed the bill after 10 days, it becomes law without his signature. But if Congress adjourns during the 10 day period, the bill does not become law.
  • preamble: An introduction to a document.
  • President: A head of state that had been elected to office; also called chief executive. The President of the United States is the highest elected official in the nation and head of Government, the leader of the executive branch, and the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces. Sometimes referred to by the acronym POTUS.
  • primary election: An election held to decide which candidates will be on the November general election ballot.
  • public law: A bill or joint resolution (other than for amendments to the Constitution) passed by both Houses of Congress and approved by the President. Bills and joint resolutions vetoed by the President, but then overridden by the Congress also become Public Law. Public Laws affect society as a whole, and most laws passed by Congress are Public Laws. Public Law citations include the abbreviation, Pub.L., the Congress number (e.g. 107), and the number of the law. For example: Pub.L. 107-006.
  • private law: A law that affects an individual, family, or small group and is enacted to help citizens that have been injured by government programs or who are appealing an executive agency ruling such as deportation. Private Laws citations include the abbreviation, Pvt.L., the Congress number (e.g. 107), and the number of the law. For example: Pvt.L. 107-006.

R[edit | edit source]

  • ratify: To sign or officially approve an agreement, treaty, contract, amendment, or similar document.
  • ratification: In U.S. Government, this can be the act of approval of a proposed constitutional amendment by the legislatures of the States; it can also refer to the Senate process of advice and consent to treaties negotiated by the President.
  • reapportionment: The process by which seats in the House of Representatives are reassigned among the states to reflect population changes following the decennial census.
  • redistricting: The process within the states of redrawing legislative district boundaries to reflect population changes following the decennial census. See also gerrymandering
  • referendum: A general or direct vote by the people on a political issue.
  • report: The printed record of a committee’s actions, including its votes, recommendations, and views on a bill or question of public policy or its findings and conclusions based on oversight inquiry, investigation, or other study. Senate committees usually publish a committee report to accompany the legislation they have voted out; these are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are filed in the Senate. Committee reports discuss and explain the purpose of measures and contain other, related information. The term can also refer to the action taken by a committee ("report the legislation") to submit its recommendations to the Senate.
  • Representative: A person appointed, chosen, or elected to act on another’s behalf. In Congress, Representatives are granted to each state based upon population and each Representative serves a two-year term. There are currently 435 members in the House of Representatives.
  • republic: A state or nation in which the power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote and their elected representatives; a republic also has a President and not a king or other type of monarch.
  • resolution: A proposal approved by either or both Houses of Congress which, except for joint resolutions signed by the President, does not have the force of law.

S[edit | edit source]

  • Senate: Along with the House of Representatives, it is one of the two Houses of the U.S. Congress. There are two Senators granted to each state and each Senator serves a six-year term. There are currently 100 members in the Senate.
  • Senator: The Constitution requires that a Senator be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States for at least nine years, and an inhabitant of the state from which he or she is elected. A person elected or appointed to the Senate and duly sworn is a Senator. There are currently 100 members in the Senate.
  • separation of powers: The system of dividing power and authority; in the United States, it is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Government.
  • sovereign: Above or superior to all others; chief; greatest; supreme dominion or power.

T[edit | edit source]

  • tabling motion: A motion to stop action on a pending proposal and to lay it aside until further notice. When the Senate or House agrees to a tabling motion, the measure which has been tabled is effectively defeated.
  • treason: Being unfaithful or disloyal to one’s own country.

U[edit | edit source]

  • unanimous consent: An agreement among members of Congress to set aside a specified rule of procedure to expedite proceedings.

V[edit | edit source]

  • veto: The procedure, as allowed by the Constitution, by which the President refuses to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevents its enactment into law. A regular veto occurs when the President returns the legislation to the originating House without approval. It can be overridden only by a two-thirds vote in each House. A pocket veto occurs after Congress has adjourned and is unable to override the President’s action.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD