Islamic Azad University Medical Branch of Tehran

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Islamic Azad University Medical Branch of Tehran is a prominent medical school located in Tehran, the capital city of Iran. It is part of the larger Islamic Azad University system, which is one of the largest private university systems in the world. The medical branch specializes in training students in various fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and other health-related professions. This institution plays a crucial role in the Iranian healthcare system by providing a significant number of healthcare professionals to the country.

History[edit | edit source]

The Islamic Azad University Medical Branch of Tehran was established to address the growing need for healthcare professionals in Iran. It aimed to offer high-quality education and training in the medical sciences, in line with the Islamic Azad University's mission of providing comprehensive higher education across various fields. Over the years, it has grown in size and scope, adding new programs and facilities to cater to the evolving demands of the healthcare sector.

Programs[edit | edit source]

The university offers a wide range of programs at undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels. These include:

The curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in medical knowledge, along with practical skills through clinical rotations in affiliated hospitals and healthcare centers.

Facilities[edit | edit source]

The Islamic Azad University Medical Branch of Tehran boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including modern laboratories, research centers, and libraries. It also operates several hospitals and healthcare centers, which serve as training and research sites for students and faculty. These facilities are equipped with the latest medical technologies, enabling students to gain hands-on experience in patient care and medical research.

Research[edit | edit source]

Research is a key component of the university's mission. It encourages faculty and students to engage in research activities that contribute to the advancement of medical science and the improvement of patient care. The university supports research in various medical and health sciences fields, facilitating collaborations with other institutions and industry partners.

Admission[edit | edit source]

Admission to the Islamic Azad University Medical Branch of Tehran is highly competitive, with candidates required to pass national entrance examinations. The university seeks to enroll students who demonstrate a strong academic background, a commitment to the medical profession, and the potential to become competent healthcare professionals.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The Islamic Azad University Medical Branch of Tehran is a vital institution in Iran's healthcare landscape. It is committed to excellence in medical education, research, and patient care. By training the next generation of healthcare professionals, the university contributes significantly to the health and well-being of the Iranian population.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD