Jharkhandi cuisine

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Jharkhandi cuisine refers to the traditional and contemporary dishes originating from the Indian state of Jharkhand. This cuisine is characterized by its simplicity and reliance on locally available ingredients. The staple foods of Jharkhandi cuisine include rice, wheat, and a variety of vegetables and fruits found in the region's forests and farmlands.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of Jharkhandi cuisine is deeply intertwined with the cultural and geographical history of Jharkhand. The cuisine has been influenced by the indigenous tribes of the region, such as the Santhals, Mundas, and Oraons, who have lived in the region for centuries. Their traditional cooking methods and ingredients continue to be a significant part of Jharkhandi cuisine.

Ingredients[edit | edit source]

Jharkhandi cuisine makes extensive use of locally available ingredients. Rice is a staple food, often served with a variety of dal (lentil soup) and vegetable dishes. The cuisine also features a variety of green leafy vegetables, known as saag, and fruits like jackfruit, mango, and guava.

Dishes[edit | edit source]

Some popular dishes in Jharkhandi cuisine include:

  • Rugra: A mushroom dish that is a delicacy in Jharkhand.
  • Thekua: A sweet snack made from wheat flour and jaggery or sugar.
  • Dhuska: A deep-fried snack made from rice and lentil batter.
  • Pittha: A steamed or fried dumpling usually stuffed with a filling of lentils or jaggery.

Festive Foods[edit | edit source]

During festivals, special dishes are prepared in Jharkhandi cuisine. For instance, during the festival of Makar Sankranti, a dish called Til Barfi made of sesame seeds and jaggery is prepared. During Holi, Malpua, a sweet pancake, is commonly made.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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