List of Turkish physicians

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List of Turkish Physicians

This article provides an overview of notable Turkish physicians who have made significant contributions to the field of medicine. The list includes physicians from various specialties who have been recognized for their clinical, research, and academic achievements.

List of Notable Turkish Physicians[edit | edit source]

  • Dr. Gazi Yaşargil - Renowned for his pioneering work in neurosurgery, specifically in microsurgery. Dr. Yaşargil is often referred to as the father of modern microsurgery.
  • Dr. İbrahim Bodur - Recognized for his contributions to the field of pharmacology and the pharmaceutical industry in Turkey. He founded one of Turkey's leading pharmaceutical companies.
  • Dr. Mehmet Öz - A cardiothoracic surgeon who gained international fame through his television program, "The Dr. Oz Show." He has been a prominent advocate for health education and preventive medicine.
  • Dr. Aziz Sancar - Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2015 for his work on the mechanistic studies of DNA repair. His research has significantly advanced our understanding of how cells repair damaged DNA.
  • Dr. Meral Tamer - Known for her work in internal medicine and her contributions to medical journalism in Turkey. She has played a crucial role in educating the public on health issues.
  • Dr. Özlem Türeci - Alongside Dr. Uğur Şahin, Dr. Türeci has been instrumental in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine. Her contributions to oncology and vaccine research have made significant impacts on global health.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD