Shree Renuka Sugars

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Shree Renuka Sugars is one of the largest sugar producers in India. The company is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, and operates several sugar mills across the country. Shree Renuka Sugars is involved in the production of sugar, ethanol, and power generation from bagasse, a byproduct of sugarcane processing.

History[edit | edit source]

Shree Renuka Sugars was founded in 1998 by Narayana Murthy and Vidya Murkumbi. The company quickly expanded its operations by acquiring several sugar mills and establishing new ones. Over the years, Shree Renuka Sugars has grown to become a significant player in the Indian sugar industry.

Operations[edit | edit source]

The company operates multiple sugar mills in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Gujarat. These mills have a combined crushing capacity of over 20 million tonnes of sugarcane per annum. Shree Renuka Sugars also has ethanol production facilities with a capacity of over 600 kilolitres per day.

Sugar Production[edit | edit source]

Shree Renuka Sugars produces various grades of sugar, including refined sugar, raw sugar, and white sugar. The company supplies sugar to both domestic and international markets.

Ethanol Production[edit | edit source]

The company produces ethanol, which is used as a biofuel and in the production of alcoholic beverages. Ethanol production is a significant part of Shree Renuka Sugars' operations, contributing to the company's revenue and sustainability efforts.

Power Generation[edit | edit source]

Shree Renuka Sugars generates power from bagasse, a fibrous byproduct of sugarcane. The company has several cogeneration plants that produce electricity, which is used for internal consumption and sold to the grid.

Corporate Social Responsibility[edit | edit source]

Shree Renuka Sugars is involved in various corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The company focuses on improving the lives of farmers, promoting education, and supporting healthcare initiatives in the regions where it operates.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD