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Quran, Hadith
Arabic, Persian, Turkish, others

Sufism, also known as Tasawwuf, is a form of Islamic mysticism that emphasizes introspection and spiritual closeness with God. It is not a sect of Islam, but rather a broader style of worship that transcends denominations. Sufism has been practiced throughout the Islamic world, notably in South Asia, Middle East, and North Africa.

Beliefs and Practices[edit | edit source]

Sufism focuses on the renunciation of worldly things, the purification of the soul, and the realization of a personal union with God. Central to Sufi practice are the concepts of tawhid (the oneness of God) and the importance of finding the truth, or haqiqa, through direct personal experience of God. Sufis often follow a Shaykh or guide, and adherence to a Sufi order or tariqa is common, with each order maintaining its own rituals and methods of spiritual cultivation.

Rituals and Worship[edit | edit source]

Sufi practices, aimed at developing the spiritual aspects of the practitioner, include Dhikr (remembrance of God), meditation, singing of Qawwali, and sometimes ecstatic dance, known as Sema or whirling. The most well-known ritual perhaps is the Sufi whirling, associated with the Mevlevi Order of the Sufis, founded by the followers of Jalaluddin Rumi.

History[edit | edit source]

Sufism has its origins in the early days of Islam, but it developed into a more structured movement around the 8th to 9th centuries. Historical figures such as Al-Ghazali and Rumi have played a significant role in its spread and development. Over the centuries, Sufism has faced criticism and opposition from more orthodox and fundamentalist Islamic groups who view some of its practices as contrary to the teachings of Sharia.

Impact on Culture[edit | edit source]

Sufism has had a significant impact on the formation of Muslim culture, particularly in literature, music, and art. The poetry of Rumi, Hafez, and Omar Khayyam, all of which contain elements of Sufi thought, are widely read across the world. Sufi music, such as Qawwali, has also gained international recognition.

Contemporary Issues[edit | edit source]

In modern times, Sufism is seen both as a source of spiritual comfort and as a means of countering extremist ideologies. However, Sufis have been targeted by extremist groups who view their practices as heretical. Despite this, Sufism continues to play an important role in the spiritual lives of millions of Muslims.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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