Yad Sarah

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43 Street of Prophets 01.jpg
Yad Sarah House, Jerusalem.jpg
Yad Sarah House medical equipment lending center.jpg

Yad Sarah is a volunteer-based organization in Israel that provides a wide range of medical equipment and health care services to the elderly, disabled, and others in need of assistance. Founded in 1976 by Uri Lupolianski, the organization has grown to become one of the largest volunteer organizations in Israel, with over 6,000 volunteers across the country. Yad Sarah's services are designed to promote independence and improve the quality of life for its clients, offering support that ranges from medical equipment lending to home care and rehabilitation services.

History[edit | edit source]

Yad Sarah was established when Uri Lupolianski lent a vaporizer to a neighbor whose child was ill. Recognizing the broader need for such a service, Lupolianski began lending other pieces of medical equipment from his Jerusalem apartment, laying the foundation for what would become Yad Sarah. The organization was named after Lupolianski's grandmother, Sarah, who had instilled in him the values of community service and assistance to others.

As the demand for its services grew, Yad Sarah expanded its operations beyond Jerusalem, establishing branches throughout Israel. Today, Yad Sarah operates over 100 branches, making its services accessible to a wide segment of the Israeli population.

Services[edit | edit source]

Yad Sarah offers a variety of services aimed at supporting individuals in need:

  • Medical Equipment Lending: One of Yad Sarah's core services is the free or low-cost lending of medical and rehabilitative equipment, such as wheelchairs, crutches, and hospital beds. This service helps individuals recover from illness or injury in the comfort of their own homes and reduces the financial burden of medical care.
  • Home Care Services: Yad Sarah provides home care services, including personal care, nursing care, and social visits, to help individuals maintain their independence and quality of life at home.
  • Day Rehabilitation Centers: The organization operates day rehabilitation centers offering physical therapy, occupational therapy, and social activities for the elderly and disabled.
  • Guidance and Counseling: Yad Sarah offers guidance and counseling services to help individuals and their families navigate the challenges associated with disability and aging. This includes legal advice, financial counseling, and emotional support.
  • Emergency Alarm Service: Yad Sarah's emergency alarm service provides clients with a wearable alarm button that can be pressed in case of an emergency, ensuring that help is quickly on the way.

Volunteerism[edit | edit source]

At the heart of Yad Sarah's operations is its extensive network of volunteers. These individuals contribute their time and skills to various aspects of the organization's work, from operating the medical equipment lending centers to providing home care services. Yad Sarah's volunteer-based model not only allows it to offer services at minimal or no cost but also fosters a sense of community and mutual assistance.

Impact[edit | edit source]

Yad Sarah's impact on Israeli society is profound. By providing essential services to those in need, the organization helps alleviate the strain on Israel's healthcare system and ensures that individuals can receive care in the most comfortable and familiar setting possible—their homes. Yad Sarah's work has been recognized both nationally and internationally, and it serves as a model for similar initiatives worldwide.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD