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1-(2-Diphenyl)piperazine is a chemical compound that belongs to the class of piperazine derivatives. It is characterized by the presence of a piperazine ring substituted with two phenyl groups at the 1-position.

Chemical Structure and Properties[edit | edit source]

1-(2-Diphenyl)piperazine has the molecular formula C16H18N2. The structure consists of a six-membered piperazine ring with two phenyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom at the 1-position. The compound is typically a white crystalline solid at room temperature.

Synthesis[edit | edit source]

The synthesis of 1-(2-Diphenyl)piperazine can be achieved through various chemical reactions involving piperazine and benzene derivatives. One common method involves the reaction of piperazine with diphenylmethanol under specific conditions to yield the desired product.

Applications[edit | edit source]

1-(2-Diphenyl)piperazine is used in various fields, including pharmaceutical research and organic chemistry. It serves as an intermediate in the synthesis of more complex chemical compounds and has potential applications in the development of new drugs.

Pharmacology[edit | edit source]

The pharmacological properties of 1-(2-Diphenyl)piperazine are of interest in the field of medicinal chemistry. It has been studied for its potential effects on the central nervous system and its role as a ligand for certain receptors.

Safety and Handling[edit | edit source]

As with many chemical compounds, proper safety measures should be taken when handling 1-(2-Diphenyl)piperazine. It is important to use appropriate personal protective equipment and follow standard laboratory safety protocols to avoid exposure.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD