1889–1890 pandemic

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1889–1890 pandemic

The 1889–1890 pandemic, also known as the Asiatic flu or Russian flu, was a deadly influenza pandemic that spread across the globe from 1889 to 1890. It was the last great pandemic of the 19th century and is considered one of the most severe in human history.

Origin and Spread[edit | edit source]

The pandemic is believed to have originated in Central Asia, possibly in Russia, hence the name "Russian flu". It spread rapidly across the globe, reaching Europe and North America within months. The speed of its spread was unprecedented, largely due to the increased mobility of people due to the expansion of the railway network and steamship travel.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The 1889–1890 pandemic had a significant impact on global health, causing an estimated one million deaths worldwide. The disease was particularly severe in urban areas, where overcrowding and poor sanitation facilitated its spread. The pandemic also had significant economic impacts, disrupting trade and causing labor shortages.

Response and Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The response to the pandemic was hampered by the limited understanding of infectious diseases at the time. However, it did lead to significant advances in public health, including the establishment of the first epidemiology studies and the development of the vaccine for influenza.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, many countries implemented public health reforms, including improved sanitation and the establishment of health departments. The pandemic also led to increased research into infectious diseases and the development of new treatments and vaccines.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD