Prince Aly Khan Hospital

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Prince Aly Khan Hospital is a renowned healthcare institution located in Mumbai, India. It is part of the Aga Khan Health Services, one of the most comprehensive non-profit health care systems in the developing world. The hospital is named after Prince Aly Khan, the father of the current Aga Khan, Prince Karim Aga Khan IV. It is dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare services to the population, with a focus on both curative and preventive care.

History[edit | edit source]

The foundation of Prince Aly Khan Hospital was laid in the mid-20th century, with the aim of providing advanced medical care to the community. Over the years, it has grown significantly, both in terms of infrastructure and the range of services offered. The hospital has been at the forefront of introducing new medical technologies and practices in the region.

Facilities[edit | edit source]

Prince Aly Khan Hospital boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including but not limited to:

  • Emergency Services: The hospital has a 24/7 emergency department equipped to handle critical and life-threatening conditions.
  • Inpatient and Outpatient Services: It offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services across various specialties.
  • Diagnostic Services: Equipped with advanced diagnostic tools such as MRI, CT scans, and X-rays for accurate diagnosis.
  • Surgical Services: The hospital has modern operating theatres for performing a wide range of surgeries, including minimally invasive procedures.
  • Maternity Services: Dedicated maternity wards and neonatal care units are available for expectant mothers and newborns.
  • Rehabilitation Services: Offers physiotherapy and rehabilitation services for patients recovering from surgeries and injuries.

Departments[edit | edit source]

Prince Aly Khan Hospital has several specialized departments, including:

Each department is staffed by experienced professionals and equipped with the latest medical technologies to provide specialized care.

Research and Education[edit | edit source]

The hospital is also involved in research and education activities. It conducts clinical research to advance medical knowledge and improve patient care. Additionally, it offers educational programs for medical professionals, including nurses, doctors, and technicians, to ensure they are updated with the latest developments in their fields.

Community Outreach[edit | edit source]

Prince Aly Khan Hospital is committed to serving the community. It runs various outreach programs aimed at promoting health and wellness among the less privileged sections of society. These programs include health camps, awareness drives, and free or subsidized treatment for those in need.

Affiliations[edit | edit source]

The hospital is affiliated with various national and international healthcare organizations, ensuring it adheres to global standards in healthcare services. These affiliations also facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration in medical research and education.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Prince Aly Khan Hospital is a pillar of healthcare in Mumbai, known for its comprehensive care, advanced facilities, and dedication to community service. It continues to evolve, embracing new technologies and practices to meet the changing healthcare needs of the population.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD