
White Eagle Lodge

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Temple of Light

White Eagle Lodge is a spiritual organization founded in England in 1936 by Grace Cooke and her husband Ivan Cooke. The organization is based on the teachings of a spirit guide known as White Eagle, who is believed to be a Native American spiritual teacher.

History[edit | edit source]

The White Eagle Lodge was established in 1936 in London, England. The founders, Grace and Ivan Cooke, were inspired by the teachings of White Eagle, who communicated through Grace Cooke. The organization quickly grew, attracting followers interested in spiritual healing, meditation, and esoteric teachings.

Teachings[edit | edit source]

The teachings of the White Eagle Lodge are centered around the principles of love, peace, and spiritual growth. The organization emphasizes the importance of meditation, healing, and service to others. The teachings also include elements of reincarnation, karma, and the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Activities[edit | edit source]

The White Eagle Lodge offers a variety of activities and services, including:

Locations[edit | edit source]

The White Eagle Lodge has several centers around the world, including:

Publications[edit | edit source]

The organization publishes a range of books, newsletters, and other materials based on the teachings of White Eagle. These publications are intended to support the spiritual growth and development of its members and the wider community.

Membership[edit | edit source]

Membership in the White Eagle Lodge is open to anyone interested in its teachings and activities. Members receive access to the organization's resources, including its publications, workshops, and healing services.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]



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